
VS Lithuanian professional fighters

It had been about 3 months since the last time I took Muay Thai (Thai style kick boxing) class and I was looking for a gym and instructor in Kaunas. Marija, the femme fatale's father kindly introduced me a good pleace close to my apartment.
It was my first experience to work out with professional martial arts fighters who have fought in Japan for K-1, PRIDE and so on. I received kicks throught sand bag and got surprised with the power! Oh, MMA fighter's amazing moves!
I practice kick boxing for self diffence and excercise, and its standing form is also good when I stand with camera. Marius, the instructor taught me a new way of knee kick and how to attack with elbows in variety. Hmm... I hope I do not have to use them in real life.


VS a femme fatale from Arab

(Continued from previous update)
I met my friend Laura at BO and she introduced me to her colleague, a mysterious woman.
"Why did I come to Lithuania? OK, I tell you the truth. I pretend myself as a Japanese photographer but I am a KGB spy from Russia. My mission is to investigate beautiful woman in Lithuania. Of course I speak not only Russian but also Lithuanian so you must be careful when you talk in front of me. I understand all what you speak."
"Oh, I am a spy from Arab and my target is a Japanese spy in Lithuania. In my mission I have to give some little suffering to him. You did not know your GIRLFRIENDS in your room are my team."
We met again at BO yesterday to fight. The femme fatale, code name "Marija", was also a highly disciplined belly dancer. I reported my boss about her with some photos of her.


At studios

My pinter friend Rebeka invited me to her photo practice at a small studio in student residence of Kaunas Technological University on Friday night. Rebeka, I decided to add the photo of you with earring in my website, thanks!
We joined a weekend "meeting - drinking" night at her sculptor Friend's studio. It was like a lair of artists and I admit that I drank a lot with sculptors, a photographer, painters and an architect. It was sure we wanted more drinks and went to BO and I met my other friends with smoke and alcohol.
To be continued to next update...?
金曜の夜に画家の友人Rebekaが、Kaunas Technological Universityの学生寮にあるスタジオで行う彼女の写真の練習に誘ってくれた。そこで撮影した彼女とイヤリングの写真を私のウェブサイトに掲載することにした。Rebeka、ありがとう。


The decisions

It is officially decided that my photo exhibition at The Union of Lithuanian Photographers (http://www.photography.lt/index.php3?lang=en&PHPSESSID=3f9f47e0caa43e1c2ebc3b1c0008e96f) is held sometime in second half of the year 2007, possibly in September.
And it is my personal decision that I will move to Lithuania next year, possibly in May or June before my exhibition starts. I am planning of photography and art related agent work among Lithuania, Baltic and European countries.



I was in Vilnius in the last 2 days for meetings, visiting a photo exhibition and taking photos at t.A.T.u. concert. It was an unusual situation that I was working at zone for press between stage and audience. I attempted analyses of "OK" photos to learn my technical and mechanical disadvantages.
I think unconventionality is to figure out limitations. And I will try new techniques with my equipments at my usual night photos.


Cat chasing, night stalking

Night is also the world for cats and I love to take photos of them. Usually they are not friendly and do not listen to me at all. Also they move quickly in all direction so it is hard to capture them in photos. I was lucky I could meet a very friendly cat last night, took about 40 photos of him until he found a cute cat and disappear. My next targets were artificial and silent image in the night.


I am a frustrated lady killer

I have been so frustrated these days...
It has been a month since the last time we had snow in Kaunas and I wish I could go out and take photos of snow covered Lithuania again.
"Ken, do not you feel it cold!?"
"No way, I feel it is comfortable. You are not a real Lithuanian, are you?"
I must confess that I had spent some crazy nights with Lithuanian ladies in my room. They enjoyed kissing and biting my young, fresh, healthy and exotic my body and did not let me sleep until morning. Also, sometimes I had some ladies all at once... like 5 ladies a night. I really wish It happened with real women but I have been so frustreated with aggressiveness of Lithuanian mosquitoes.
"Ken, that is so strange you have such "girl friends" in your room in winter."
"Well, Lithuanian guys are smoked and alcoholized so I am very sorry for Lithuanian women."
"Ha, you are a lady killer!"
Last night there was a dog running behind my apartment and I found a woman was keeping her eyes on the dog at the entrance of her house. This unusual weather helped her and the dog at least.


Blood and silhouettes

Asta, the actress written in this blog on November 24th kindly invited me to her play at a theatre (http://www.kamerinisteatras.lt/) last Thursday. I should say that sometimeslanguage barrier is good to watch the play without prejudice. Besides performance by actors and actresses, silhouettes and red symbolizing blood were also impressive.
It is curious that the image of the blood the silhouettes keep reminding me life of many performers and artisits like people I met here and my parents. And that made me conscious that I want criticism on my latest works.


Midnight photo class

(Katharina and I, photo by Rebeka)
Rebeka, my painter friend asked me help for her photography home works and I had a sudden midnight photo class last night. I also took Katharina, my German friend to a 30 minute photo session in Old Town in the night. I have already taken many photos in the streets so it was easy for navigation.
Oh, Here comes Rebeka and I hope to hear good news from her for the works.
昨夜絵描きの友人Rebekaから写真の宿題を手伝って欲しいと頼まれたので、急遽深夜の写真教室を開催。ドイツ人のKatharinaも連れて夜のOLD Townで三十分の撮影会。この辺りで散々写真を撮っているので、連れまわすのも簡単なこと。


Inorganic beat

Forget organic environments and listen attentively to inorganic beats.


Thoughts of blue

Kitano blue: In Lithuania I think the most famous Japanese is Takeshi Kitano and many people said his works are great. I have bought and wacthed a DVD "Dolls" with Lithuanian subtitles here and my eyes left from me and got into the Kitano blue. No Lithuanians here knew that Takeshi Kitano is also very famous as a comedian in Japan, even they enjoyed watching a TV program "Takeshi Castle" in years ago.
Almost Transparent Blue: As I guessed the works of Kobo Abe and Haruki Murakami, Japanese authors are read in Lithuania. However, Ryu Murakami (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryu_Murakami), my favorite "Murakami" is not known at all. I believe his works, such as "Almost Transparent Blue" and "exodus of the country with hopes" (I do not know correct english title) are good keys to know other real side of modern Japan.
Electric Blue: This is one of my favorite songs in 80's by ICEHOUSE.
Lyrics - http://www.afn.org/~afn30091/songs/i/icehouse-electric.htm
Video clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wiYtmh8ao4&search=icehouse
And.... when I looked into the eyes of a Lithuanian actress I could hardly have words to discribe the colour of them. The blue are too beautiful, beyond descriptions.
The blue, not violent like "Kitano blue", not too abstract like "Almost Transparent Blue" and not mature like "Electric Blue"... she called it as "colour of water" and I am still lost in thought of the blue.
歌詞 http://www.afn.org/~afn30091/songs/i/icehouse-electric.htm
ヴィデオクリップ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wiYtmh8ao4&search=icehouse


Jazzy, dizzy, crazy weekends

Jazz, dancing, nightclubbing, bars, drinking, cool guys, smoking, girls, traveling, ladies, musicians, reastaurants, eyewitnessing and a white rose in a blue bag....


Vespertine rays

It is a simple fact that the colours of rays in the sky are different in everywhere. I am eager to see new colours in many places.


Run, Run, Run

In response to request by Queen of Ningyocho.....



DSC00771.JPG DSC00772.JPG
Lithuanian for "Perspective"


Snowy tango

It was snow-covered outside this morning and I had a mellow moment with electro tango music CD I bought yesterday. There was a small yellow lady bug on the window and I wondered if it would find partners for tango.


Under the wide open sky

My friends kindly took me to an open air museum on Saturday. There are old houses in different rural style of Lithuania. Most of animal were out of cages and I was kissed by a horse. The sky was amzingly wide and clear. I know it is ridiculous to comare with the sky and my photos.


Coming of winter

It is like -3C outside in Kaunas tonight.


Chilling out beauty

Madbness is needed before I chill out.


Lock and focus on!

I am writing this with a little excitement and comfortable tiredness after I have accomplished a purpose in Lithuania. I had meetings with board members of the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers (http://www.photography.lt/index.php3?lang=en&PHPSESSID=3f9f47e0caa43e1c2ebc3b1c0008e96f) in Vilnius. And it is decided that I have my photo exhibition there in the next year.
Antanas Suktus, the colossal figure of Lithuanian photographers and the Chairman of the union requested 50 photos for my exhibition and especially social/people ones. He mostly liked photos of people such as street people and also a street girl.
In Asakusa, Tokyo where I live, it is known there are many street people (I do not call them as homeless people) but the street girl is like a legend of the area. She is very small, looks over 60 years old and always putting on flashy clothes. We call her “Mini-Moni” in connection with a famous small girl singers unit. Her life is mystery with rumors but she exists. Now I have a Tele-conversion lens bought from Vytautas Tamoliunas here and I will be able to focus on her face when she is on the streets and prays for Buddha sometimes.
I will inform about my exhibition as needed.
リトアニア写真界の大御所でもあり協会の会長でもあるAntanas Suktusから、写真展用として50枚、特に人々の写真を注文された。特に路上生活者とある街娼の写真がお気に入りだったようで。
今住んでいる浅草に路上生活者(あえてホームレスとは呼ばない)が多いことはよく知られているが、その街娼は地域でも伝説のような存在だ。彼女はとても小さくて、見た目がどうみても60歳を越えていて、いつも派手な色の服を身にまとっている。その容姿から我々はミニモニと呼んでいるのだが。彼女の生活は様々な噂もあって謎に満ちているが、確かに存在している。こちらでVytautas Tamoliunasから購入したテレコンバージョンレンズもあることだし、彼女が路上で時々仏様に手を合わせるときの表情をはっきりと撮影できることだろう。