
Ouvre le Chien

There was an idea of a title for my photo book in my mind. I had been picking up keywords for the title for many nights. My photo samples were also chosen in front of me.

Zane, zane, zane
Ouvre le Chien


Zane, zane, zane
Ouvre le Chien



From reharsal shots of "Dionysus" by Tadashi Suzuki. I was taking the photos from upper audience seats like videographers. I would have seated at a seat by the stage if I was a press photographer for magazines and news papers. It is like a study in perspective and space.

鈴木忠志 構成・演出によるDionysusのリハーサルより。観客席上段からヴィデオグラファーのようにした。私が新聞や雑誌のカメラマンだったら、舞台にかぶりつきの最前列で撮影していただろう。これは奥行と空間の研究みたいなものだ。