
Carrying, so what?

carrying so what 1.JPGcarrying so what 2.JPG
It is interesting to see jumble sale in a big market in Vilnius. I bought a pirate copy CD of “Beatmania” (a Japanese video game) at 1 Litas from a junk seller. He had a kitten in his backpack and it was not for sale like other kittens available there.
I explored in the night in Kaunas and I found a strange old woman. She was carting a big stone. It was too and tumbled off from her small cart so often.
People are carrying something for some reason and sometimes it is not better to know why.

1 件のコメント:

  1. にゃにゃ 
    Hmmm, some people carry mysteries, some people carry children in their bellies.


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