
Lens-eyed puppet players

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Even a doll can meet the criteria of teaching materials for angles and compositions. I taught my photography class students that they can try various perspectives in still-life photography. We are lens-eyed puppet players who can control both the silent animals and talkative human beings.


Ringside view

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Photos of “MMA Bushido super turnyras 2008” (http://bushido.lt/?id=22&turnyras=106)
Titanas Gym (http://www.vyrams.lt/) kindly invited me to the event in Vilnius on Sunday and I could take photos from ringside. Lithuanian fighters are very offensive, tough and do not stop rushing. The Japanese opponents were surprised with different fighting style and judges.
Although sports photography is not my major category, my martial art background helps me a lot for sure. Then, what about documentary of fighters?
MMA Bushido super turnyras 2008(http://bushido.lt/?id=22&turnyras=106)にて
Titanas Gym(http://www.vyrams.lt/)のご好意で、日曜にVilniusで行われたBUSHIDOに招待されリングサイドで撮影することができた。リトアニアの選手達はとても攻撃的・タフで、ラッシュを止めることがない。対戦相手の日本人選手達が、ファイトスタイルとジャッジの違いに驚いていた。


Sanctuary behind the mask

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I am having a fuzzy-headed free day at last after the busy days with my exhibition, meeting with new people and my mother. It was a little bit early to for me to get out of bed around 11am. I had a Japanese “home-style” branch and went to akropolis to buy a detergent for bath tab, black pepper, light bulbs, and what else I bought? I cannot concern about any concrete plans with my dull mind so I just think about what I want to do.
I want to come close to nonmaterial sanctuaries of people. Everyone wears mask as self-protection when they face others. Photography is a way for me to unveil and expose the sanctuaries behind the masks. Everything exists in parallel so even personal senses, live and deaths of others.