
Unromantic breakfast

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Although I am a night bird, my most favorite time is when I wake up in the early-morning naturally. I am like a silent bug with an ordered mind lives in a bed and the very private moment is for rumination of dreams, purification of romance and pleasure, and libration of thoughts and passions. Therefore, I am out of any creative activities in the moment and I cannot be bothered to make breakfast.
In recent days I am comfortable with being a morning person. I stayed at my friend’s place in Vilnius and woke up around 6am. However, my appetite instinctually interfered with such precious moment. She also woke up with hunger. Searching foodstuff and cooking at other people’s place is an adrenaline but… the results of unmotivated overtime work were cheese omelet, salad with smoked tuna, yogurt, toasted bread, pears and herb tea.
Breakfast in bed is not romantic for me at all. Moreover, sensation of fullness takes me to dreamland again. Nevertheless, in the edge of abyss, I was imaging the photos of her – appendicular movements, flow of long black hair, marble, petals in the water, lip rouge, needles…


Sadistic chemicals

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I got my hair cut short on Saturday, I look much younger but my eyes became aggressive. My apartment owners invited me a small party at their place and they served me alcohols, Lithuanian cuisine and a lot homemade apple sweets and hams. They opened an old bottle which was given by their friends about 25 years ago. The ginseng liquor was made in Kesong, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and we talked about logistics in the former Soviet Union. I was happy to taste and given my favorite revitalizer I can hardly obtain here.
I was also given 2kg of protein powder by Marius, the president of Titanas Gym (http://www.vyrams.lt/) as a Christmas present. The white powder also makes me feel brutal. It is must that I start Muay Thai training there as soon as possible.
It is time to say good night to a bottle of tranquilizer which contains silver vine because I prefer sadistic state of mind.
Titanas Gym (http://www.vyrams.lt/)の代表Mariusからも、クリスマスプレゼントとして2kgのプロテインパウダーをもらった。この白い粉も獰猛な気持ちにさせる。早くジムでムエタイトレーニングを再開しなければいけない。


Crucify my love

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Crucify my love
If my love is blind
Crucify my love
If it sets me free
Never know Never trust
“That love should see a color”
Crucify my love
If it should be that way
“Crucify My Love" - Song by X JAPAN
“I am afraid of losing the lives of my own things even my hair. I am so afraid...”
In the winter of 1995, Mayumi was crying for a dying life she could never save and cursing at her fate. Her waist-length black hair showed her time of pain. She was singing the song every time she looked in to a mirror in a dark bathroom. She could only accept cigarette, canned coffee and I was just like a match flame for her. I remember that I broke our friendship and left her alone with an inhuman behavior when she has been informed a very sad fact.
And now I am the one standing in front of a mirror in my bathroom. Wearing (accessories, hair-style) also means exhaust and it makes us passive unconsciously. I will have my hair cut and my reset and reshape would be completed.


Trapped in limbo

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“What is the color of your mind now?”
“Dark grey.”
“How do you feel of it?”
“Nihilistic, empty… I feel like I am a ghost, my mind is out of my body and trapped in limbo in dual-mirror.”
“What do you want now?”
“I guess I want something to fill the emptiness up. What about a blue lizard with a skinned tail? It wants to veil the skinned tail with a lethal fragrance…. like an aconite perfume.”
I have heard a voice of an old lady asking me questions in my restless sleep. Insomnia, anorexia, nihility. I went to a Mass at a church in Vilnius on Wednesday night and was sitting with exhausted tired body and hazy mind. I was an unbaptized outsider but used the time for meditation. In the dark and silence I was facing my emptiness in mind and thought of M who has passed away three month ago and other people I lost. Limbo also means oblivion and the Mass was just for it.



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I was only abandoned myself to emotions and releasing the shutter.
I was repeating the meaning of this photo work inside of me..
I was glad that the view got much foggy with time as I expected.
What “YOU” means are in mind and they are all I should not be addicted to.
(My website is updated with the new photos: http://www.studioaika.com/ )


Hare of fear

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Kristina told me that the hare of a copperplate print is a symbol of fear in Greek mythology. A fearless hare became feared.
The hare is staring at me and I will be looking at myself with similar gazes through lens when I take photos of my emotions tomorrow.


"Kensaku Shioya" style photography class

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There opened a "Japanese Culture Center Tsuru" in Kaunas and we had an opening party yesterday. Tsuru (crane) is one of the seasonal words of haiku for winter and I introduced 2 haiku with the word by Sugita Hisajo in my congratulatory speech.
"Kensaku Shioya style photography class" will start soon as one of the programs of the center. I used to have this class in Tokyo and it is an anticipating fun to teach Lithuanians. (Please check the center's website for more information and contact: http://www.tsuru.lt/?action=menu&menu_id=1
Kaunasに「鶴 日本文化センター」が開校し、昨日はそのオープニングパーティー。鶴は冬の季語の一つなので、杉田久女が鶴を詠んだ二つの句を祝辞にて紹介した。


Undiscovered emotionalism

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Targets of my photography are usually for their natural expressions and I do not like fabrications very much except artists. I need abilities of hunters to shoot them quickly so Muay Thai (kick-box) training is also good for practice of this. Recently I started taking classical ballet lessons and understood it is a new practice for photography. I should learn very basic steps and movements as same as Muay Thai but concepts are extremely opposite. I need to synchronize imagination and intelligence with physical moves as self-expression and this is absolutely not required in such martial arts.
As I have confessed, I was not interested in photos as forms of self-expression but started this new style due to my personal reason. The “fresh blood montages” in dreams have gone and too many thoughts and feelings made me insomniac recently. I have been practicing how to project my emotions in photography like an amateurish dancer. The title of this work is decided and that is what I have been thinking a lot everyday. The time of photo session is coming soon.


Chilly church and confetti

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I went to Vilnius to take photos of the dance performance on Saturday (http://www.mitaskonceptualiai.lt/EN/). It was chilly inside of the church at a reharsal from 13:00. The performance began at 21:00 and I felt like a dragon slayer and a maiden killer in the sacred place. I can hardly feel the temperature and smell anything when I go hunting.
It started snowing on the way back to Kaunas around midnight and the first snow of this winter looked like a ticker-tape parade in the cold wind.
土曜日はダンスパフォーマンス撮影のため首都Vilniusへ(http://www.mitaskonceptualiai.lt/EN/)。午後1時のリハーサルの時点で教会の中はすでに冷え切っていた。 午後9時開演、聖なる場所で龍殺しと乙女殺しの心境。獲物を狩っている最中は温度や匂いを感じない。


Improvisatorial Monday night

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SMS, dinner, architects from Moscow, noise-industrial concert, medicinal liquor "999", a self-despair girl, a weak stray cat, constellation Orion, Philip Glass and Bjork, a cup of black tea with much ginger and condensed milk and the end of mind games.
Everythig was improvisingly happened but concluded with settlement in the night of Monday.
SMS、ディナー、モスクワから来た建築家、ノイズ系インダストリアルライブ、薬用酒999、自暴自棄の女、弱った野良猫、オリオン座、Philip GlassとBjork、大量のショウガとコンデンスミルクの入った紅茶に駆け引きの終焉。


Lack of Japanese contemporary art

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Is recognition of foreign contemporary art in inverse proportion to geographical distance? No! It is because of lackadaisical approach. What kind of Japanese contemporary arts are known in Lithuania? We have Japanimation, films by Takeshi Kitano and some literature works by Haruki Murakami but they are all imported indirectly. There are few Japanese contemporary art activities in Lithuania and it is a shame that Lithuanians have the images of Japan mostly from traditional arts, passé!
I also have been working on some cultural/modern art exchange projects with my Japanese business partners, Ministry of Culture and artists in Lithuania. My Japanese partner and I traveled a lot and had many meetings and we got progress on the projects last week. We are designed to organize an exhibition with an art performance as one of the programs of “Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009”. The exhibition is created by 2 Japanese artists and I believe it will make Lithuanians aware of Japanese contemporary art scene.
日本のビジネスパートナーやリトアニアの文化省・芸術家達と共同で、文化・現代美術交流プロジェクトも進めている。先週日本人のパートナーと一緒にリトアニア内を何度も旅して話し合いを重ねた結果、プロジェクトの進展に結びついた。「Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009」(EU内の大規模な文化首都事業計画)のプログラムの一つとして、アートパフォーマンスを含めた展示会を行おうと計画している。二人の日本人芸術家による展示作品だが、リトアニア人達の目を日本における現代芸術の現状に向けて開かせるものになると信じている。


Uncheerful awakening

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Got up gloomy in the afternoon and windows were clouded over with condensation. I was glad enough with only the noise of rain and shadows of trees in the pale blue sunless sky.
Closed my eyes and head, and I could see some objects were flying in front of the misty window in the blind scene.


Triune speed

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It is a must I figure out my adaptability of speed and performance of my camera to shoot quick-moving targets. Speeds of the dancedrs, shatter-speed of the camera and my reflexes should be united as "trinity".
"You must dance!"
Birute, the Festival Artistic Director of the 17th International Festival Of Modern Dance (http://www.dancefestival.lt/main.php/id/1) sudenly told that I have to start dance training. She did not care I have no dance experiences. It was an uncertain approach for me and I was not seriously motivated even she said there are many beautiful girls at her dance theatre. However,
"Everyone wants to dance when they start dance lesson but they have to do training before dance. It will take time and some give it up. You need your imagination and inteligence when you dance. So it is better someone like you starts dancing."
It was a surprise what the director of a dance theatre said. I will start dance training because I want to know how the traning will support me to see the different speed I have inside.
"We must have an exhibition of your photos, it is bad we do not show the great photos!"
(Photos: http://www.mitaskonceptualiai.lt/LT/galerija/56/)
It was my great honor that Audra, the organizer of the dance performance at the ruined church said to me. We will start planning of an exhibition soon. I think of Trinity a litte more but not religiously.
「17th International Festival Of Modern Dance (http://www.dancefestival.lt/main.php/id/1)」のアートディレクターであるBiruteが、突然私にダンスのトレーニングを始めろと言い出した。私がダンス未経験なんてお構いなし。私にとっては半信半疑の提案だったし、彼女のダンスシアターには美しい女性達がたくさんいると聞いても、やる気にはならなかった。だがしかし、


How to spend 1.5 hours

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1. Muay Thai (kick-boxing) class
I started Muay Thai training for real at Titanas Gym (http://www.vyrams.lt/). The gym is well known with good professional fighters and some of them have participate in bouts at K-1 and PRIDE BUSHIDO in Japan. I hope they will have more opportunities to visit and fight in Japan. I spent 1.5 hours there and "Man skauda nugara, ranka ir kojak." (I got my back, arms and legs hurt). I think photographers have good agility but stamina in their works so it is a good training for me.
2. Lithuanian language lesson
I also have started Lithuanian language lesson with a private teacher at my place. As an absolute beginner and a certified (Japanese) language teacher with liguistic approach, I think Lithuanian has much difficult pronunciation and flection than Japanese. I spent 1.5 hours and it is almost for exercise in articulation. I do not have to spend many years to learn Lithuanian alphabet but speaking. It is convenient for photographers that we do not need language skill in photography but I need to learn the language for communication and business in Lithuania.
3. Printing photos
And I have just spent 1.5 hours to print photos to update my photo album with samples. This is a fundamental work as a photographer.
Titanas Gym (http://www.vyrams.lt/)で本格的にムエタイの練習を始めた。このジムは優秀なプロ格闘家を輩出していることで有名であり、日本のK-1やPRIDE BUSHIDOで戦ったことのある選手もいる。彼らがまた日本で試合する機会があればいいと思う。1.5時間練習して"Man skauda nugara, ranka ir kojak" (背中と腕と足が痛い)。思うに写真家は仕事において敏捷性には優れているが持久力がない。だからこれは私にとってとてもいい運動だ。


"Crystal Mask"

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My photos of the dance performance on Sunday were added in their official website (http://www.mitaskonceptualiai.lt/LT/galerija/56/). Comparing to photos by others and thinking what "I could not do at the time" like discovering secret level of my photography. It is a typical attitude in my professional life and this kind of criticism is not necessary in my personal life with something admires me.
Here I have a wizend colour photo copy of "Crystal Mask", a printing by Erte. I remember the very first time I saw the original print when I was eighteen, it was a shock and I could not leave from it for a few hours. I went to a gallery again very next day and bought it even I could hardly afford it. I thought I had to own it or I would not grow into artistic personality in the future. After years, because of very complicated and unexpected reasons, my "Crytal Mask" was taken away from me. I think I was not living artistic at the time and it was a karma I lost it.
It was a coincidence that I found a gellary in Tokyo had a copy of the "Crystal Mask" last week. I asked my mother to contact them and she answered me next day "Your loving lady will be delivered to me tomorrow morning." Although I need to check an edition number of the copy I used to own, it is highly possible that I have got my loving lady back to me.
Even she comes back to me and we will be able to meet in Lithuania it is sure she keeps smiling to me indirectly through her crystal mask. I can accept her style and be happy with it in different points of view I did not have before.
ここに皺だらけのErte作、Crystal Maskのカラーコピーがある。十八歳のときに初めて原画を見たときのことを覚えている、衝撃を受けて数時間そこから離れることができなかった。翌日画廊を再び訪れ、とても手が出せるような金額ではなかったが購入を決めた。手に入れなければ将来芸術的な自分を形成することなどできないと思ったからだ。数年後とても複雑かつ予期せぬ事情で、私のCrystal Maskは私から引き離された。その時には全く芸術的な自分ではなかったので、失ったのも因果応報だと思った。
先週偶然にも東京のある画廊がCrystal Maskを所有していることがわかった。母に連絡してもらうように頼むと、翌日の返事は「貴方の愛した女性は、明日の午前中に家に届くわよ。」。以前所有していた作品の限定番号を確認しなければいけないが、私が愛した女性が帰ってきた可能性が高い。


A dying dragon

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I was invited to the dance performance again on Sunday. The inside of the ruined church had different atmospheres with the sun light from windows at 15:00 and 19:00 programs. The dragon flew in the dark and approached death.
(Photos of the privoius reharsal: http://kensakushioya.seesaa.net/article/50889409.html)


Minion of killer instinct

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The Japanse "KATANA" blade will keep its sharpness after decaptated 100 people. Draw the vorpal weapon with right weight and gaze at the flaming silver which reflects my killer instinct. I imagine all targets inside of myself and slay them with no mercy.


Reset and reshape

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Cool autumn breeze comes into my room and make a cup of hot Japanese green tea cool down. A bee took a dead fly away by the window and I feel calm and balanced.
I had been dreaming of so many visions for about a month and they merged in visions like montage photos. Dead Indian girls, black tea in a crystal glass, skyscrapers with rain, inorganic virtual fighting arena and so on, I kept seeing the visions everyday and I found fresh blood in all visions and it increased in quantity day by day. Dead Indian girls were bleeding from their ears and the blood stain became bloodbath, black tea became blood in the crystal glass, the virtual fighting arena looked organic with the blood and rain of blood came down on the skyscrapers. I was absolutely fearless and enjoyed the bloody montages in my dreams.
In thoughts of objectivity and subjectivity, existence and expression, and the moment and dependence I realized I recently had been enthusiastic and rushed around in circles to make results and answers immediately.
I made the decision and started creation of new photography with my own emotions and feelings. It is completely opposite from my current photography style and I am not scared to accept any kind of growing pains.
Now I am released and concentrate entirely on the creation. What I need are reset and reshape, not any emotional rescue and interests in the future.


Fresh blood montages

For this article only Japanese version is currently written. English version will apperar in the future but no photos availavle ever.


Cool as a reptile

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I ordered two glasses of orange juice after a meeting with editors of an architecture magazine. We usualy do not have ice in softrdinks at restaurants in Lithuania. I went to another cafe and had a glass of iced lime and mint tea. It is also common that air-condition are not working in the cafe and restaurants here. It is good but I wanted to get cool down.
There is a small river a few minutes walk behind the Cathedral located in the center of Vilnius, the capital. I took off my shows and enjoyed the cold water. This primitive method works for everyone and ducks. I felt like I was a reptile, thought of hot and spicy Indian dinner and ironically wished I could live in reptilian interval and quantity of meal to survive.


Losts and founds

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Everyone can create some visceral fiction from lost articles but I believe that finding the oweners must be more provocative joy.


A dragon summoned in the ruined church

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I was invited to a dance performance at the ruined church. A dancer entwined 2 red long textiles hung from the roof on her body and ascended them as a dragon. The fantasic dragon admired audiences and the summoners gave a glimpse of their power by dancing everywhere in the acres of rooms.


Birthday party at home

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I finally had a party at home for getting temporary visa, late house-warming and my birthday yesterday. Although most of people I invited were out of town and the country because of weekend and vacation, I had 20 guests last night.
To welcome the guests I cooked typical Japanese soy-bean soup with see weeds, cold bean curd served with minced leeks and grated ginger, vegetable sushi, shrimp and vegetable stir-fry with Chinese rice wine sauce and Thai green curry with noodles. It was nice that "drinkers" also enjoy SAKE with salty fermented tuna guts! The guests were interested in my photos I took in this town last year and I am planning to have an exhibition here with the photos.
Well, it was the legitimate right for the birthday man to request something special to the guests and the beautiful ladies kindly accepted to come in to my bed.... approved by their husbands, boyfriends and male friends. Yes, I also had time with the gentlemen in my bed for commemorative photos, hahaha!


Intuitive perspectives

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Swimming in the Baltic Sea, drinking beer and brandy, smoking white haze and looking for ambers at the beach... moments of the weekend took me out of the ordinary world. Although I took photos there, they were all private ones including self-portraits.
Released from being a photographer and an alien in Lithuania, I was intuitively thinking about my near future. I am at beginning of my new life and this should be a passing point to the next stage. I believe I am sure what I will bring from this life to my future.