I went to Vilnius to take photos of the dance performance on Saturday (http://www.mitaskonceptualiai.lt/EN/). It was chilly inside of the church at a reharsal from 13:00. The performance began at 21:00 and I felt like a dragon slayer and a maiden killer in the sacred place. I can hardly feel the temperature and smell anything when I go hunting.
It started snowing on the way back to Kaunas around midnight and the first snow of this winter looked like a ticker-tape parade in the cold wind.
土曜日はダンスパフォーマンス撮影のため首都Vilniusへ(http://www.mitaskonceptualiai.lt/EN/)。午後1時のリハーサルの時点で教会の中はすでに冷え切っていた。 午後9時開演、聖なる場所で龍殺しと乙女殺しの心境。獲物を狩っている最中は温度や匂いを感じない。
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