It is a must I figure out my adaptability of speed and performance of my camera to shoot quick-moving targets. Speeds of the dancedrs, shatter-speed of the camera and my reflexes should be united as "trinity".
"You must dance!"
Birute, the Festival Artistic Director of the 17th International Festival Of Modern Dance ( sudenly told that I have to start dance training. She did not care I have no dance experiences. It was an uncertain approach for me and I was not seriously motivated even she said there are many beautiful girls at her dance theatre. However,
"Everyone wants to dance when they start dance lesson but they have to do training before dance. It will take time and some give it up. You need your imagination and inteligence when you dance. So it is better someone like you starts dancing."
It was a surprise what the director of a dance theatre said. I will start dance training because I want to know how the traning will support me to see the different speed I have inside.
"We must have an exhibition of your photos, it is bad we do not show the great photos!"
It was my great honor that Audra, the organizer of the dance performance at the ruined church said to me. We will start planning of an exhibition soon. I think of Trinity a litte more but not religiously.
「17th International Festival Of Modern Dance (」のアートディレクターであるBiruteが、突然私にダンスのトレーニングを始めろと言い出した。私がダンス未経験なんてお構いなし。私にとっては半信半疑の提案だったし、彼女のダンスシアターには美しい女性達がたくさんいると聞いても、やる気にはならなかった。だがしかし、
>"Everyone wants to dance when they start dance lesson but they have to do training before dance. It will take time and some give it up. You need your imagination and inteligence when you dance. So it is better someone like you starts dancing."
返信削除i really understand what she said and totally agree with her.
im not good at dancing, but i can imagine that meaning.
i also agree with your decision.
if i were you, i'd try as well.
coz i'm interested in "another yoko".
who am i? how can i change?
i hope you to discover "new Ken"!
>"Triune speed"へのコメント
>ERROR : 半角英数字のみのコメントは受付ません。
私の友達found this:)
返信削除Dance or die ne