1. Muay Thai (kick-boxing) class
I started Muay Thai training for real at Titanas Gym (http://www.vyrams.lt/). The gym is well known with good professional fighters and some of them have participate in bouts at K-1 and PRIDE BUSHIDO in Japan. I hope they will have more opportunities to visit and fight in Japan. I spent 1.5 hours there and "Man skauda nugara, ranka ir kojak." (I got my back, arms and legs hurt). I think photographers have good agility but stamina in their works so it is a good training for me.
2. Lithuanian language lesson
I also have started Lithuanian language lesson with a private teacher at my place. As an absolute beginner and a certified (Japanese) language teacher with liguistic approach, I think Lithuanian has much difficult pronunciation and flection than Japanese. I spent 1.5 hours and it is almost for exercise in articulation. I do not have to spend many years to learn Lithuanian alphabet but speaking. It is convenient for photographers that we do not need language skill in photography but I need to learn the language for communication and business in Lithuania.
3. Printing photos
And I have just spent 1.5 hours to print photos to update my photo album with samples. This is a fundamental work as a photographer.
Titanas Gym (http://www.vyrams.lt/)で本格的にムエタイの練習を始めた。このジムは優秀なプロ格闘家を輩出していることで有名であり、日本のK-1やPRIDE BUSHIDOで戦ったことのある選手もいる。彼らがまた日本で試合する機会があればいいと思う。1.5時間練習して"Man skauda nugara, ranka ir kojak" (背中と腕と足が痛い)。思うに写真家は仕事において敏捷性には優れているが持久力がない。だからこれは私にとってとてもいい運動だ。
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