(Continued from previous update)
I met my friend Laura at BO and she introduced me to her colleague, a mysterious woman.
"Why did I come to Lithuania? OK, I tell you the truth. I pretend myself as a Japanese photographer but I am a KGB spy from Russia. My mission is to investigate beautiful woman in Lithuania. Of course I speak not only Russian but also Lithuanian so you must be careful when you talk in front of me. I understand all what you speak."
"Oh, I am a spy from Arab and my target is a Japanese spy in Lithuania. In my mission I have to give some little suffering to him. You did not know your GIRLFRIENDS in your room are my team."
We met again at BO yesterday to fight. The femme fatale, code name "Marija", was also a highly disciplined belly dancer. I reported my boss about her with some photos of her.
I like her color pictures better.^、^