I have been so frustrated these days...
It has been a month since the last time we had snow in Kaunas and I wish I could go out and take photos of snow covered Lithuania again.
"Ken, do not you feel it cold!?"
"No way, I feel it is comfortable. You are not a real Lithuanian, are you?"
I must confess that I had spent some crazy nights with Lithuanian ladies in my room. They enjoyed kissing and biting my young, fresh, healthy and exotic my body and did not let me sleep until morning. Also, sometimes I had some ladies all at once... like 5 ladies a night. I really wish It happened with real women but I have been so frustreated with aggressiveness of Lithuanian mosquitoes.
"Ken, that is so strange you have such "girl friends" in your room in winter."
"Well, Lithuanian guys are smoked and alcoholized so I am very sorry for Lithuanian women."
"Ha, you are a lady killer!"
Last night there was a dog running behind my apartment and I found a woman was keeping her eyes on the dog at the entrance of her house. This unusual weather helped her and the dog at least.