My pinter friend Rebeka invited me to her photo practice at a small studio in student residence of Kaunas Technological University on Friday night. Rebeka, I decided to add the photo of you with earring in my website, thanks!
We joined a weekend "meeting - drinking" night at her sculptor Friend's studio. It was like a lair of artists and I admit that I drank a lot with sculptors, a photographer, painters and an architect. It was sure we wanted more drinks and went to BO and I met my other friends with smoke and alcohol.
To be continued to next update...?
金曜の夜に画家の友人Rebekaが、Kaunas Technological Universityの学生寮にあるスタジオで行う彼女の写真の練習に誘ってくれた。そこで撮影した彼女とイヤリングの写真を私のウェブサイトに掲載することにした。Rebeka、ありがとう。
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