It is arond 9pm, Sunday in Kaunas now (around 3am, Monday in Japan). It was raining and windy outside this afternoon and I got splash by a running car when I was going back to my apartment, yack! So I write about yesterday instead of today.
It was the first time I cooked properly at my apartment yesterday afternoon. For my late lunch I cooked "Orange-flavor salad" (salad leaves, orange pepper, cucumber, grapefruits and mozzarella cheese with sauce of 100% orange juice, olive oil, solt and black pepper mixed in an empty bottle) and "Pasta with chiken tomato and blue cheese). There is a very small kitchen, electric hot water pot, and electric cooking heater. Therefore, I have to cook with minimum equipments and space. Ah, fridge is broken!
I would like to introduce a doll called "USAUSA" (anonym, not related to United States of Amerika) I am traveling with. It is made by the artist USATO previously introduced in this blog and I am also taking photos of USAUSA for our collaborative work.
Cost of living here is about 1/4 of Tokyo and I am happy I can buy cheap vegetables with their natural strong tastes. I also enjoy watching MTV, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and some news program on TV.
When it was getting dark around 6pm I started photo shooting in the night of Kaunas. After explored in quiet town I went to the cafe/bar "Blue Orange", had fun and a glass of votka with interesting people. We stayed until 3am and I was sleeping until 9am this morning.
I know people want to see my nightshot photos.... next time.
昨日の午後初めてまともにアパートの部屋で料理をした。遅い昼食用に作ったのは「オレンジ風味サラダ」(レタス、オレンジパプリカ、キュウリ、グレープフルーツ、モッツァレラチーズに、空いたペットボトルで作った 100%オレンジジュース、オリーブオイル、塩、コショウのドレッシングを混ぜ合わせたもの)と「鶏肉、トマトとブルーチーズのパスタ」。とても小さなキッチンに電気ポットとヒーターしかない。だから限られた器具とせまい場所で料理をしなければならない。冷蔵庫はぶっ壊れてるし!
午後6時を過ぎて暗くなり始めたので、カウナスの夜の撮影を始めた。静かな街をうろついた後でカフェバーBlue Orangeへ行き、一杯のウォトカと地元の 愉快な連中とのおしゃべりを楽しんだ。結局午前3時まで続き、今朝は9時頃まで眠っていた。
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