I am writing this with a little excitement and comfortable tiredness after I have accomplished a purpose in Lithuania. I had meetings with board members of the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers (http://www.photography.lt/index.php3?lang=en&PHPSESSID=3f9f47e0caa43e1c2ebc3b1c0008e96f) in Vilnius. And it is decided that I have my photo exhibition there in the next year.
Antanas Suktus, the colossal figure of Lithuanian photographers and the Chairman of the union requested 50 photos for my exhibition and especially social/people ones. He mostly liked photos of people such as street people and also a street girl.
In Asakusa, Tokyo where I live, it is known there are many street people (I do not call them as homeless people) but the street girl is like a legend of the area. She is very small, looks over 60 years old and always putting on flashy clothes. We call her “Mini-Moni” in connection with a famous small girl singers unit. Her life is mystery with rumors but she exists. Now I have a Tele-conversion lens bought from Vytautas Tamoliunas here and I will be able to focus on her face when she is on the streets and prays for Buddha sometimes.
I will inform about my exhibition as needed.
リトアニア写真界の大御所でもあり協会の会長でもあるAntanas Suktusから、写真展用として50枚、特に人々の写真を注文された。特に路上生活者とある街娼の写真がお気に入りだったようで。
今住んでいる浅草に路上生活者(あえてホームレスとは呼ばない)が多いことはよく知られているが、その街娼は地域でも伝説のような存在だ。彼女はとても小さくて、見た目がどうみても60歳を越えていて、いつも派手な色の服を身にまとっている。その容姿から我々はミニモニと呼んでいるのだが。彼女の生活は様々な噂もあって謎に満ちているが、確かに存在している。こちらでVytautas Tamoliunasから購入したテレコンバージョンレンズもあることだし、彼女が路上で時々仏様に手を合わせるときの表情をはっきりと撮影できることだろう。