It is about 11am here in Kaunas, Lithuania, I am writing this at a cafe called "Blue Orange". I met Remis, the manager of this place yeterday, he was also taking photos in the street and he took me here. He used to study im Holland and has watched many Japanese films. It is sure that the modern images of Japan here and in Europe were from movies and music, not political matters. It is possible we Japanese can talk a lot about japanese artes with foreigners as Remis and I enjoyed talking about Takeshi Kitano.
It is such a quiet life in Kaunas and I think I am the only one Japanese here. In communitcation with strangers it is necessary to be certain we are different and there is nothing in common. And I am fine and enjoy this ordinary fact. It is much better than being lost in stasis of communication in Japan. No one knows me and my points of view in photography in this country. Therefore, I have to communicate.
リトアニアのカウナスは現在午前11時過ぎ、Blue Orangeというカフェでこの文章を書いている。昨日通りで同じように写真を撮っていた、レミスというこのカフェのマネージャーが連れてきてくれた。彼はオランダで学び、日本の映画をたくさん観たそうだ。当たり前のことだが、この国やヨーロッパにおける近頃の日本のイメージは、政治的なものではなく映画や音楽によるものである。私とレミスが北野武について語り合ったように、日本人も外国人と当たり前のように日本の芸術について話しあえるのだ。