I BLUR photos, BLURT my thoughts, feelings, secrets and it is my BLURB! Words and photos by Kensaku Shioya 写真家・塩谷賢作のブログ
Lock and focus on!
I am writing this with a little excitement and comfortable tiredness after I have accomplished a purpose in Lithuania. I had meetings with board members of the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers (http://www.photography.lt/index.php3?lang=en&PHPSESSID=3f9f47e0caa43e1c2ebc3b1c0008e96f) in Vilnius. And it is decided that I have my photo exhibition there in the next year.
Antanas Suktus, the colossal figure of Lithuanian photographers and the Chairman of the union requested 50 photos for my exhibition and especially social/people ones. He mostly liked photos of people such as street people and also a street girl.
In Asakusa, Tokyo where I live, it is known there are many street people (I do not call them as homeless people) but the street girl is like a legend of the area. She is very small, looks over 60 years old and always putting on flashy clothes. We call her “Mini-Moni” in connection with a famous small girl singers unit. Her life is mystery with rumors but she exists. Now I have a Tele-conversion lens bought from Vytautas Tamoliunas here and I will be able to focus on her face when she is on the streets and prays for Buddha sometimes.
I will inform about my exhibition as needed.
リトアニア写真界の大御所でもあり協会の会長でもあるAntanas Suktusから、写真展用として50枚、特に人々の写真を注文された。特に路上生活者とある街娼の写真がお気に入りだったようで。
今住んでいる浅草に路上生活者(あえてホームレスとは呼ばない)が多いことはよく知られているが、その街娼は地域でも伝説のような存在だ。彼女はとても小さくて、見た目がどうみても60歳を越えていて、いつも派手な色の服を身にまとっている。その容姿から我々はミニモニと呼んでいるのだが。彼女の生活は様々な噂もあって謎に満ちているが、確かに存在している。こちらでVytautas Tamoliunasから購入したテレコンバージョンレンズもあることだし、彼女が路上で時々仏様に手を合わせるときの表情をはっきりと撮影できることだろう。
Ozu Film for Lithuanians
"Japan - Lithuania cultural festivasl" started Yesterday and film festival is held at a central library in Kaunas for a week. I met with Mr. Odoko, the Ambassador of Japan in Lithuania and watched "Umaretewa Mitakeredo" by Yasujiro Ozu (1932). After I watched the movie I felt peaceful and thought of such classical Japanese family. There were about 200 Lithuanians and they also looked they enjoyed it.
It was also nice to meet with Mr. Vytautas Tamoliunas (www.tamoliunas.lt), a famous photograph and paint artist. Coincidentally he also has used a camera I use and we agreed that I will buy a camera equipment from him. I have been looking for the tele-conversion lenz for my camera and I will be able to shoot targets in far distance!
有名な写真・絵画アーティストのVytautas Tamoliunas氏 (www.tamoliunas.lt)に会えたことも嬉しかった。偶然にも氏は以前に私のカメラと同じモデルを使っていたそうで、彼から機材を譲ってもらうことになった。以前から探していたテレコンバージョンレンズで、さらに遠くの被写体を撮影できる!
Between brightness and darkness
Quiet afternoon in Kaunas
It is arond 9pm, Sunday in Kaunas now (around 3am, Monday in Japan). It was raining and windy outside this afternoon and I got splash by a running car when I was going back to my apartment, yack! So I write about yesterday instead of today.
It was the first time I cooked properly at my apartment yesterday afternoon. For my late lunch I cooked "Orange-flavor salad" (salad leaves, orange pepper, cucumber, grapefruits and mozzarella cheese with sauce of 100% orange juice, olive oil, solt and black pepper mixed in an empty bottle) and "Pasta with chiken tomato and blue cheese). There is a very small kitchen, electric hot water pot, and electric cooking heater. Therefore, I have to cook with minimum equipments and space. Ah, fridge is broken!
I would like to introduce a doll called "USAUSA" (anonym, not related to United States of Amerika) I am traveling with. It is made by the artist USATO previously introduced in this blog and I am also taking photos of USAUSA for our collaborative work.
Cost of living here is about 1/4 of Tokyo and I am happy I can buy cheap vegetables with their natural strong tastes. I also enjoy watching MTV, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and some news program on TV.
When it was getting dark around 6pm I started photo shooting in the night of Kaunas. After explored in quiet town I went to the cafe/bar "Blue Orange", had fun and a glass of votka with interesting people. We stayed until 3am and I was sleeping until 9am this morning.
I know people want to see my nightshot photos.... next time.
昨日の午後初めてまともにアパートの部屋で料理をした。遅い昼食用に作ったのは「オレンジ風味サラダ」(レタス、オレンジパプリカ、キュウリ、グレープフルーツ、モッツァレラチーズに、空いたペットボトルで作った 100%オレンジジュース、オリーブオイル、塩、コショウのドレッシングを混ぜ合わせたもの)と「鶏肉、トマトとブルーチーズのパスタ」。とても小さなキッチンに電気ポットとヒーターしかない。だから限られた器具とせまい場所で料理をしなければならない。冷蔵庫はぶっ壊れてるし!
午後6時を過ぎて暗くなり始めたので、カウナスの夜の撮影を始めた。静かな街をうろついた後でカフェバーBlue Orangeへ行き、一杯のウォトカと地元の 愉快な連中とのおしゃべりを楽しんだ。結局午前3時まで続き、今朝は9時頃まで眠っていた。
Vilnius struttin'
Took a bus ride in the early morning I went to Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Visited Japanese Embassy for discussion about artistic relationship development between Japanese and Lithuanian photographers, some galleries for my personal exhibitions. Coincidentally I also visited a gallery of the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers where I have confirmed to have a meeting next week. I admit that the wheel of fortune is working and I feel I am gathering artisits.
From "Blue Orange"
It is about 11am here in Kaunas, Lithuania, I am writing this at a cafe called "Blue Orange". I met Remis, the manager of this place yeterday, he was also taking photos in the street and he took me here. He used to study im Holland and has watched many Japanese films. It is sure that the modern images of Japan here and in Europe were from movies and music, not political matters. It is possible we Japanese can talk a lot about japanese artes with foreigners as Remis and I enjoyed talking about Takeshi Kitano.
It is such a quiet life in Kaunas and I think I am the only one Japanese here. In communitcation with strangers it is necessary to be certain we are different and there is nothing in common. And I am fine and enjoy this ordinary fact. It is much better than being lost in stasis of communication in Japan. No one knows me and my points of view in photography in this country. Therefore, I have to communicate.
リトアニアのカウナスは現在午前11時過ぎ、Blue Orangeというカフェでこの文章を書いている。昨日通りで同じように写真を撮っていた、レミスというこのカフェのマネージャーが連れてきてくれた。彼はオランダで学び、日本の映画をたくさん観たそうだ。当たり前のことだが、この国やヨーロッパにおける近頃の日本のイメージは、政治的なものではなく映画や音楽によるものである。私とレミスが北野武について語り合ったように、日本人も外国人と当たり前のように日本の芸術について話しあえるのだ。
Moving on
Sometimes I feel
That I need to move on
So I pack a bag
And move on
And move on
- "Move on" from the album "Lodger" in 1979
I have been listening to David Bowie's songss at his "Berlin Years" in the late '70s. Well I am going to take a flight to Lithuania in 8 hours, not taking a girl but a doll when I move on.
Finishing a farewell ceremony for my lovely wifish (a fish like my wife) which died in an unbelibable accident, I go Lithuania for "A New Carrer In A New Town". I do not have time to cope with the "Sons Of The Silent Age" in Japan.
- "Move on" 1979年のアルバム"Lodger"より
ずっとDavid Bowieの70年代「ベルリンイヤーズ」の曲を聴いている。あと8時間ほどでリトアニア行きの飛行機に乗り、女は一緒ではないが人形を連れて行く。
Dart an artistic glance
I visited the first day of a lovely exhibition by USATO (http://ambz.jp/usato/) in Azabujuban, Tokyo tonight. I met him at Ota san's party last night and his agent liked my style and photos (of yesterday's article).
And it is decided that we start some projects together not only in Tokyo but also... we dart into a new stage!
More information: http://ambz.jp/
More information: http://ambz.jp/
At Ota san's house
投稿 (Atom)