(These 4 photos are taken by Kestutis Vingilis)
Kensaku Shioya exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania
“Nocturnal Shadows”
February 6th - 22nd
More info: http://www.studioaika.com/info/01/
My first exhibition in Lithuania “Nakties šešėliai (Nocturnal Shadows)" is started from February 6th. I would like to say thank you very much for all of visitors, supporters and the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers. It is very much appreciated that I had interviews by some newspapers, LIETUVOS RADIJAS, TV CHANNEL 5 and Bernardinai.lt (http://www.bernardinai.lt/index.php?url=articles/73676)
At the end of my speech at the opening party I admitted that it was my big pleasure to have the exhibition in Lithuania but it is also a funeral of my old works I made in Japan. Because I am in Lithuania now and do not want to rely on my past works. I said “The past looks same as before but it also changes its meaning so it is must that I create new works in Lithuania.”
リトアニアでの初めての個展「Nakties šešėliai (Nocturnal Shadows)」が二月六日から始まった。足を運んでいただいたお客様方、支援してくださった方々、リトアニア芸術写真家協会など全ての皆様にお礼を申し上げたい。新聞各紙、LIETUVOS RADIJAS(ラジオ局)、TV CHANNEL 5とBernardinai.lt(http://www.bernardinai.lt/index.php?url=articles/73676)からの取材に感謝している。
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