
Adjectival night

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Kensaku Shioya exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania
“Nocturnal Shadows”
February 6th - 22nd
More info: http://www.photography.lt/lt.php/Parodos?id=248
It was like -12C with snow on Friday night in Vilnius. I was in a park, drinking a bottle of 999 (herbal liquor) and talking about the meanings of adjectives in Japanese and Lithuanian. My brain is away of adjectives now. They are the photos of a party at a club after the study in adjectives. Somebody please think of adjectives for photos instead of me.

1 件のコメント:

  1. レイナ18/2/08 22:37

    number 203 could be "the attac of evil mutoid clones". and 205 would suit "scratch my back with metal fist" =))))
    PS don't really want to comment on the 201 (giggle)


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