I admit that I had been lack of words and photos for this blog in the last few months in Tokyo. And I also have to admit that I have been lack of time for my photography since I had moved to Lithuania. I spent time for moving to an apartment, meeting with a lawyer for procedures of company establishment and application for temporary residential permission. It was unlucky that I have got my lap-top PC virus influenced and portable hard disc with data exploded (!) so I had to spend so long time to solve the problems.
However, of course I am happy in the beginning of my new career in a new town. I ran across friends in the streets and cafes, and I am hoping to have fun with other friends soon again.
I went out with my camera on Tuesday night, the actual first day in Kaunas, and it was naturally happened that I met more interesting people. The guys putting posters of 24 hour nightclubbing event on the walls on streets, a young guy who plays and sings in the night and kids playing in front of a casino begged me money.
It is now Thursday night and I can enjoy the Jazz night at my favorite café Blue Orange in Old Town. I believe I will meet friends there!
さて木曜の夜、お気に入りのカフェBlue OrangeではJazz Nightをやっている。きっとそこで友人たちに会えるはず!
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