It gets dark around 9pm in Kaunas and not so interesting to think of night clubs and alchol in the early evening. Fortunately I got a sudden invitation of a play at small theater in Old Town and I went out with a red rose for the actress who invited me. I did not expect that I could watch plays at theatres so soon. With red wine, smoke and bitter chocolate called "Passion", I felt I was floating in the space with theatre people.
I met drunk friends and celebrated my return at Blue Orange and I will have small photo session again with my photographer friends.
I got another sudden invitation for a party at my friend's house and I was looking at night town from taxi window. There are many young artists at the party and their opinions for my business plans in Lithuania were so appreciated.
It is still unrealistic that I live in Lithuania now and I still feel I am floating in a daydream.
午後9時頃にやっと暗くなるカウナスで、宵の内から夜の店や酒のことを考えるのはくだらない。 嬉しいことにオールドタウンにある小劇場の劇に急遽招待されたので、赤い薔薇を持ってその女優に会いに行った。赤ワインに煙草、パッションという名の苦いチョコレート、劇場関係者といる空間の中に漂っているように感じた。
Blue Orangeでは酔っ払っていた友人たちと再会を祝し、近いうちに写真家の友人たちと撮影をやろうと決めた。
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