I added new photos and links on my website: http://www.studioaika.com/index.html
Kazuma Ohara: Mr. Ohara not only designs but also creates beautiful dresses by himself. I took photos for his new website.
BAR AMRTA: I was introduced to the owner of the bar by my friend and we decided that I take photos of the guests there without their approval and exhibit them on the wall space. The bar is located in Nishiazabu (central Tokyo), sophisticated and cool, and it was a good opportunities for me to take new style of photos very different from my previous works. In fact, some of my friends, fans and clients could hardly believe that I took such photos.
Links: Mr. Michihiro Ohata is a wonderful singer. Ms. Kaoru Kurosaki and Yuko Tsukishiro are my artist friends.
大原 数馬:デザインだけでなく美しいドレスの制作も自ら行なっている。彼の新しいHP用に撮影。
BAR AMRTA:知人にオーナーを紹介され、お客さんを許可なしで撮影してそれを展示することにした。西麻布にある粋で素敵なバーで、過去の作品とはまるで違う写真を撮影できたことは、素晴らしい経験になった。事実、友人やファン、クライアントの中には、私がこのような写真を撮ったことが信じられないという人もいた。
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