Right: Tetsuro Tanba
Left: Juzaburo Akechi (my father)
I had an extra video-shooting class tonight and remembered that I used to work as a video camera assistant at broadcasting centers about 12 years ago.
At the time I sometimes visited my father in hospital. He was always very inteligent and enjoyed talking about me his youth as an actor. I do not have many pictures with my parents because they were tired of being looked by lens and did not like to be taken pictures in private time.
Recently my friend introduced me a man loves old Japanese movies and is familiar to my father's works. We both hope that such old movies will be available on DVDs not only for fun but as record of movie history in Japan (I have some of my father Juzaburo Akechi's photos in my website: http://www.studioaika.com/).
I planned to write about my father on this blog. Coincidentally and unfortunately Tetsuro Tanba, a famous actor my father played with in films passed away yesterday. I saw his latest active faceon TV, he was in hospital and it reminded me the moments I was with my father.
I found a picture of Tetsuro Tanba and my father. After he got relaxed in the spiritual world my father would visit him with bottles of sake.
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