
Wind up, fly away

I was sitting here and uploaded my first blog article from Lithuania six years ago. Kaunas, the city was full of inspiration and I came to this café everyday for photo shooting and meeting new people. Later I moved to this city for new career and life, and I did not think I would live in this country for such a long time. And now there are no special reasons and fascinations to stay here anymore.

I would have not feel sorrow of parting if I myself could stay as an alien. It is the time to wind up gloomy moments and fly away. I know the scenes of life in Lithuania suddenly will flash back and I will be able to smile with the good memories.




"Cross L&T" - Exhibition at Skalvija

"Cross L&T" - Exhibition at Skalvija 

Date: August 29 - September 9
Address: "Skalvija" Goštauto 2/15, Vilnius, Lithuania
Open from 16:30


An extra ordinary day

Beat of a bee’s wings. A small bucket of blue berry. Medicines and “Metal Guru” by T-Rex. Night walking and photographing
Peaceful and thoughtful moments – my birthday was an extra ordinary day.

蜂の羽音。小さなバケツ一杯のブルーベリー。薬とT-Rexの「Metal Guru」。夜歩きと撮影。
穏やかで想いに耽る時間 ‐ 誕生日は追加のありきたりの一日。


Station To Station

Here is a bootleg CD of a David Bowie’s concert in New York in 1976, from “Station To Station” world tour which followed an album with same title. I bought this CD about 20 years ago, I was 17 or 18 years old and I dreamed of traveling and living in different places like “station to station”. Later I found that Bowie said the station is for the way of the cross, not for transportation.

Bowie said in another interview that the album “Station To Station” was too commercial and he made the performances in the tour were much more heavy and rough opposite from the songs of the album. Sound quality of the bootleg CD is not so good but it is good for the raw power. In fact, an official CD with re-mastered tracks of the concert was finally released in 2010 and I still prefer the bootleg.

I am playing the bootleg CD at megavolume and thinking that I was also too commercial and out of anger and brutality. And I do feel I am leaving from a station to the next place to bear my cross.

ここにDavid Bowieの1976年のアルバム「Station To Station」発売後に行われた世界ツアーのNew York公演を収録した海賊盤CDがある。手に入れたのは二十年程前、17歳か18歳の頃、そして「駅から駅」さながらに様々な場所を旅し暮らすことを夢見ていた。その後Bowieが、Stationは交通機関の駅ではなく、キリストの受難と死を瞑想するために十字架の道にある「留(りゅう)」を指すものであると語っていたことを知った。

他のインタビューでBowieは、アルバム「Station To Station」が商業的なものになりすぎたと語り、その後のツアーにおける演奏や歌唱は、アルバム収録曲と比べ反対により重く荒々しいものとなった。海賊版CDの音質はあまり良くないが、だからこそそうした生々しい力が伝わってくる。事実、同公演は2010になってついにリマスター公式盤が発売されたが、私は未だに海賊版の方を気にいっている。
