“Mr. M. - sociologist, associate professor of National Defense Academy”
I know his house and office addresses but I have never met him in life. And I will never run across him for real. I found his business cards in a secondhand book “Venus in Furs” by Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch long time ago. Only the fact of accidental encounter keeps my relationship with him even the book already has gone.
“A dragonfly – unknown”
It was dying on the road, picked up by my hands and placed in a crease of a paper envelope. Its wings will be used as a bookmark in a secondhand book “Secret Rendezvous” by Kobo Abe. I do not care where the wings will go.
「M氏 ‐ 社会学者、防衛大学助教授」
「蜻蛉 ‐ 正体不明」
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