A new student of my photo class was an absolute beginner and active to take photos of creatures in the yard behind my apartment. A boy who played with grasses and dug ground and caught worms, and some cats, they were all good model for the student practice and I taught her that she always had better carry small bags of sweets and cat foods as fee (bribe).
I have had a request of attend my photo class from her when I was in Tokyo and checked some text books of “guide to digital camera photography” published in Japan for the purpose of reference. And no books were written about “how to enjoy photography” very much. The text books instruct how to use digital cameras and make good photos with samples by professionals.
“Let’s image that you divide the screen in 3. 2/3 is the space for sky and 1/3 below is for ground. The photo of sky and ground looks well and balanced by doing this”
Yes, it is the thing certainly called basic but why no books say “Look at sky at first then at ground.”? Resolving basic in various approaches means to challenge the basic. Do not repeat and believe in basics blindly or no joy of failures and success of “This one is the best shot!”.
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