My temporary nest in Valencia, Spain is located in just in front of “MERCAT CENTRAL (central market)” near Xativa station. I fell into bed for late siesta… I was dreaming of days in Osaka (Japan) and Kowloon (Hong Kong). I thought Xativa area is slightly like a mixture of the towns I dreamt because of atmosphere, loud people and construction.
I had so busy days in Lithuania since the end of last month and it is in winter in Vilnius. My body has been so dull and fitting into cold weather. Lithuania is a beautiful country and I mean it is not so dirty and bloody like in Japan and Hong Kong. I wanted to come to Spain to encounter and take photos of such scenes, too.
スペイン・ヴァレンシアでの一時的な巣は、Xativaという駅近くの「MERCAT CENTRAL(中央市場)」の真正面にある。少し遅いシエスタ(昼寝)・・・大阪と香港・九龍での日々を夢見ていた。Xativa地区は雰囲気ややかましい人々、建築などが夢で見た二つの街に少し似ているからだろう。
返信削除Looks like a nice place. I hope you enjoy your visit. We are waiting for your safe return as well. にゃ