
Military fetish

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New photos of “Dance Macabre 20 - Military” are added on my website htp://www.studioaika.com/
My miritaly activities would belong to intelligence service so I dressed up in black and infiltrated into the assembly. My white coloured hair and black face-cover mask were to camouflage...
Dance Macabre 20 Militaryの写真をウェブサイトに追加。htp://www.studioaika.com/


Untitled 002

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I have determinated title and comcept of the new photos but do not expose...


The shows must go on

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We had the opening of a photo exhibition "Mitas konceptualiai - Jurgio pasakojimai" yesterday. The collaborative exhibition is for the works of 3 photographers of the dance performace and I hope audience will enjoy the different style of photography.
The "Mitas konceptualiai - Jurgio pasakojimai" project is ongoing and we will have the photo exhibition in the early of next year in Vilnius.
昨日Mitas konceptualiai - Jurgio pasakojimai写真展のオープニングを開催した。この共同展示は、ダンスパフォーマンスを撮影した三人の写真家の作品を展示、来場者が異なった写真のスタイルを楽しんでもらえればと思う。
Mitas konceptualiai - Jurgio pasakojimaiプロジェクトは進行中で、来年早々にもVilniusで写真展を行う予定である。


Exhibition "Mitas konceptualiai"

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Exhibition in Kaunas, Lithuania
FOTOGRAFIJŲ PARODA "Mitas konceptualiai - Jurgio pasakojimai"
Opening: 2008 November 27, 6 p.m.
Place: Kauno filharmonija (L. Sapiegos str. 5, Kaunas)
More information: http://www.mitaskonceptualiai.lt/LT/paroda/
2008 m. lapkričio 27 d. 18 val. Kauno valstybinėje filharmonijoje atidaroma fotografijų paroda „Mitas konceptualiai: išsaugotos akimirkos“, kurioje bus eksponuojami fotomenininkų Gintaro Česonio, Kensaku Shioya ir Artiomo Ištuganovo darbai. Fotografijos atgaivins naujosios operos projekto „Mitas konceptualiai – Jurgio pasakojimai“ akimirkas.
Naujoji opera „Mitas konceptualiai – Jurgio pasakojimai“ buvo kuriama jungtinėmis britų ir lietuvių menininkų pajėgomis specialiai Kauno Šv. Jurgio bažnyčios erdvei. Unikalioje operoje į efektingą reginį buvo sujungta šiuolaikinė ir klasikinė muzika, grigališkasis giedojimas, dinamiška perkusija, šiuolaikinis šokis, oro akrobatika, šviesų ir video meno ekspresija. Pernai rudenį įvykusi premjera Kaune ir operos pristatymas Vilniaus Šv. apaštalų Pilypo ir Jokūbo bažnyčioje („Vilnius - Europos kultūros sostinė 2009 m.“ organizuojamame šviesos festivalyje „LUX “) iki šiol gyvi žiūrovų atmintyje, kaip ir noras šią operą išvysti vėl.
Pati tapusi savotišku mitu, ši opera, atlikta autentiškoje Kauno šv. Jurgio bažnyčioje, dar kartą atgims įtaigioje fotografijų parodoje. „Skirtingų fotomenininkų objektyvuose sustingo vaizdai, erdvė ir laikas, dar kartą primindami šio unikalaus ir vienetinio projekto momentus“, - teigia parodos kuratoriai.
Parodos atidarymo metu bus pristatytas fotografijų parodos katalogas, demonstruojama filmuota medžiaga iš premjeros. Operos dalyvis Ramūnas Jaras klarnetu atliks savo klasikinius kūrinius.
Paroda Kauno valstybinėje filharmonijoje veiks iki gruodžio 14 d. Gruodžio viduryje dalis darbų bus perkelta į barą „Suflerio būdelė“ (Daukšos g. 34). Po Naujųjų metų paroda pasieks Vilniaus žiūrovus, o vasarą keliaus po šalies dvarus, vaizduojamųjų menų projekto „Menas senuosiuose Lietuvos dvaruose“ programoje.
Fotografijų parodos kuratoriai: Jūratė Tutlytė, Gintaras Česonis.
Projektą remia LR Kultūros rėmimo fondas.


Enemies in sight

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Ringside view at HERO'S LITHUANIA - November 8th. My enemies were ring ropes and the referee in sight.
11/8に行われたHERO'S LITHUANIAのリングサイドより。私の敵は、視界に入ってくるリングロープと審判だった。


Returning to fetish night life

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New photos of “Dance Macabre 19 FETISH” are added on my website htp://www.studioaika.com/
Saturday night, and club “MUSE” was filled up with loud beat and attractive gazes. I was injected 20ml of absinth in to my throat twice by a DJ/organizer while I was taking photos. Girls were kissing and a gas-masked slave was tortured by 2 dominatrix ladies.
I am very sleepy but finally returning to night life. Winter comes and my thoughts shine like leather.
Dance Macabre 19 FETISHの写真をウェブサイトに追加。htp://www.studioaika.com/


Graffiti and whispers

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I newly added Spain photos on my website http://www.studioaika.com/photo/23/photo.html
The streets in Valencia were covered with laughs and graffiti and shady whispers came from “chocolate” African and “tranny” Spanish street sisters.
Jonathan Bellés, the other participant of the exhibition at O+O uploaded a movie of the opening party on youtube http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=RDG2104dXPM .
I remember the days in Spain and am thinking where I go to next.
同じく展示会の出展者であるJonathan Bellésが、youtubeでO+Oでのオープニングパーティーの模様を公開した。(http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=RDG2104dXPM)


Opening party and next works

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There was an opening party of the group exhibition last night with many visitors. It was nice to meet other participants – a Spanish Video artist and painters from Portugal and Poland.
I have been taking photos of the nights here and will add them in my website next week. However, according to the inspirations by works of other participants, I am sure I have to complete my other works with clay and start a photo session with violinists.


Dirty and bloody?

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My temporary nest in Valencia, Spain is located in just in front of “MERCAT CENTRAL (central market)” near Xativa station. I fell into bed for late siesta… I was dreaming of days in Osaka (Japan) and Kowloon (Hong Kong). I thought Xativa area is slightly like a mixture of the towns I dreamt because of atmosphere, loud people and construction.
I had so busy days in Lithuania since the end of last month and it is in winter in Vilnius. My body has been so dull and fitting into cold weather. Lithuania is a beautiful country and I mean it is not so dirty and bloody like in Japan and Hong Kong. I wanted to come to Spain to encounter and take photos of such scenes, too.
スペイン・ヴァレンシアでの一時的な巣は、Xativaという駅近くの「MERCAT CENTRAL(中央市場)」の真正面にある。少し遅いシエスタ(昼寝)・・・大阪と香港・九龍での日々を夢見ていた。Xativa地区は雰囲気ややかましい人々、建築などが夢で見た二つの街に少し似ているからだろう。


Exhibition in Valencia, Spain

FECHA: 19 de septiembre – 19 de octubre 2008
ORGANIZA: Oriente & Occidente Gestión Cultural
LUGAR: Galería O+O. C/Francisco Martínez, 36 (46022 Valencia)
Kensaku Shioya exhibits his photo works at gallery O+O http://www.galeriaomaso.com/exposici%F3n-actual.htm in Valencia, Spain from September 16th to October 19th. The photographer will join the opening party on the 19th.
La Galería O+O tiene el placer de presentar la exposición colectiva compuesta por las obras de cinco artistas: Monika Grygier, Faba, Kensaku Shioya, Francisco Urbano y Fumiko Nakajima. La muestra incluye obras de distintos formatos y técnicas: fotografía, grabados y pintura. Hasta el 19 de octubre se podrá disfrutar de una peculiar forma de ver el paisaje urbano a vista de pájaro, con las pinturas de Monika Grygier como protagonistas; la relación en esas ciudades y sus habitantes bajo la oscuridad de la noche, gracias al objetivo de Kensaku Shioya; los trabajos de abstracción llenos de luz, color y volumen con los que nos sorprende el artista Faba; el mundo de las musas y los grandes maestros de la pintura desde la óptica pictórica del artista portugués Francisco Urbano; y el trazado veloz y sinuoso de las obras abstractas de clara influencia oriental realizadas por Fumiko Nakajima.
En su trabajo creativo, Monika Grygier, realiza caligrafía de paisajes urbanos, planimetrías de ciudades y suburbios, perímetros de espacios creados para vivir. Edificios, calles, callejones, plazas… vistos a vuelo de pájaro que se entremezclan de una forma laberíntica. Coordenadas urbanísticas que forman un juego de líneas y formas geométricas cercanas a la abstracción. Donde destacan el juego de los tonos pastel, primando blancos, tierras y grises. Esta artista nacida en Polonia y licenciada en Bellas Artes ha realizado varias exposiciones en Polonia, Republica Checa, Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Albacete, Girona, etc. Su obra se encuentra en colecciones públicas y privadas de Polonia, España, Rep. Checa, Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania, Inglaterra…
Las pinturas de Faba desprenden una sensación de elegancia y gracia. En su abstracción sus imágenes de inflaman gracias a las capas de sus pinceles y los objetos incorporados. Sus trabajos son una muestra de imaginación en movimiento, matices de colores intensos y contornos electrizantes. Formas y esquemas llenas de espontaneidad, suaves y brillantes ondulaciones, pinceladas de pulsaciones de energía… que componen piezas llenas de ritmo y musicalidad que nos llevan a la dimensionalidad de la pintura. Enigmáticas series y repeticiones que nos invitan a un viaje de alto grado simbólico a través de formas abstractas, biológicas o astronómicas.
El sugerente punto de vista de las fotografías de este artista japonés afincado en Lituania, Kensaku Shioya, proviene de la utilización nocturna de la cámara con sensor de infrarrojos. Sus objetivos retratados son los rostros al natural de la noche en sus propios y únicos colores, que se cruzan y surgen sin ser mitigados por el poder de las luces. Sus imágenes se nutren de la oscuridad. Instantáneas de la gente que se oculta a la luz de luna, que capturan la conversación amorosa que se produce entre las formas arquitectónicas y los colores teñidos de grises. Como si de un cazador de recuerdos y sueños el objetivo de Kensaku Shioya retrata un suave y calido mundo visto en la libertad de la noche.
El artista plástico portugués Francisco Urbano presenta en esta exposición colectiva obras pertenecientes a su serie “Models”, que representan la relación entre los grandes maestros de la pintura y sus modelos a través de la historia. Bajo una tonalidad terrosa figuras esbeltas posan para ser pintadas. Musas de contornos desdibujados que se mezclan con relieves realizados con recursos extrapictóricos. Marrones, naranjas, ocres… bañan sus obras de una luz especial que nos habla de recuerdos, añoranzas y tiempos pasados. Imágenes y sombras que atraen al espectador a observar el momento íntimo que se produce en la creación artística entre el pintor y su modelo.
Fumiko Nakajima realiza obras abstractas de clara influencia oriental están compuestas por dibujos de sinuoso trazado. Una mezcla aparentemente casual donde se fusiona color y fuerza, formando composiciones armónicas de ritmos cromáticos. Trabaja principalmente la pintura y el grabado, dos técnicas unidas por el carácter simbólico de su obra, el uso del color y la necesidad expresiva. En su proceso creativo el grabado es muy importante, un juego y un conflicto entre el espacio y el tiempo. Obras de gran fuerza que van más allá de los límites de su praxis plástica creando un juego de incertidumbres formado por un conjunto de sombras, figuras y siluetas. Fumiko Nakajima ha realizado exposiciones individuales y colectivas en ciudades como Barcelona, Zaragoza o su Tokio natal.
La exposición podrá ser visitada de martes a viernes de 17:30 a 21:00 y sábados de 11:30 a 13:30 horas. Para más información puede contactar en el 961336449 / 639990392 o en omasoart@gmail.com.


Cold Ethyl and her icy metamorphosis

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I disassembled a freezer in “Минск16”, an old-fashioned refrigerator in the kitchen. The freezing machine was covered with much ice and it was a childish fun to defrost with a blade. There was a pupa inside of the refrigerator. I took it out and put in a chipped bowl. I named the pupa “Cold Ethyl” and kept my eyes on her.
Few days later she became a mature lady and played on a plastic net covering the bowl. I hoped her not to get caught in spider web. She did not leave the “bowl room” for a long time after I removed the net. She did not like hot outside with sun light, did she?
“One thing I miss is Cold Ethyl and her skeleton kiss
We met last night making love under the refrigerator light
Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms
Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms”
“Cold Ethyl” by Alice Cooper
台所にある古めかしいМинск16という名の冷蔵庫の冷凍室を分解した。冷凍機はたくさんの氷に包まれていて、刀を使って霜取りをするのは子供じみていたが面白かった。冷蔵庫の中に蛹(さなぎ)があった。取り出して欠けた丼に移した。Cold Ethylと名づけて、彼女を監視していた。
「俺が恋しいのはCold Ethylとあいつのおざなりな口づけ
 Ethyl  Ethyl 腕の中で強く抱きしめさせてくれ
 Ethyl  Ethyl そばに来てお前の色気でゾッとさせてくれ」
“Cold Ethyl” by Alice Cooper


New website is open

My website http://www.studioaika.com is newly open.
There are new photography categories and more photos on current pages. Slide-show system helps viewers to see my photos easily and some categories look efficient as I suppose.
"Videography" is a new content which includes some movie files of behind the scene of my photo works. I will add my movie works in the future.
It would be appreciated if you enjoyed my new works.


A designless celebration

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The combination of a sweet cake and tea called "Seven Samurais" were good to start with a day without plans. I went to the Vilnius railway station with a bag of burgers. I did not feel like to go to the North so some of unknown town names in the South and East looked interesting. It was only 45 minutes to Kena, a town close to the border with Republic of Belarus.
There are no cafe, restaurants and bars but only a grocery shop. Old people were sitting on benches in front of the apartments and talking. Boys were playing cards at the entrance. Young people were riding cars and motor bikes or sitting on the road and chatting.
I just walked in the small town for 2 hours until the last train leaves. It was the day of my 35th birthday.


Anomalous style

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The angles were limited and absolute. Artistic aproach was not required. Interior photo work should appeal designer's point of view and concepts. It is just the opposite of my style but I also like such photography.


Fly to next

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I had a 1 day exhibition in Užupis yesterday and I appreciate visitors to see my photos. I would like to thank to Mr. Inoue and E.R. for their great help. I am glad I did not attack performers there who put on their costumes on my photo on the wall and had terrible performance with Japonism approach. Well they were also the part of the event but I do not have any relationship with them. I would have killed them if they damaged my photos while they were showing horrible performance.
And now, my mind is flying to next exhibition plan in September...


1 day exhibition in Užupis

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It is suddenly decided that I exhibit my Japan photos in Užupis on Thursday, July 17th. It is a part of an event at Užupio Meno Inkubatorius (http://www.umi.lt/indexliet.php) and I will have a presentation between 17h and 18h there.
I have already prepared 25 photos which I exhibit in Lithuania for the first time. It is very much appreciated if you could come and see my new photos.
Liepos 17 d. (ketvirtadienis)
Tapybos plenero projektas „Ženklų alėja“
„Angelo, taikos balandžio ir sirenos kelias”
(Gedimino pr. – Katedros aikštė – Pilies g. – Šv. – Vokiečių g. – Rotušės a. – Didžioji g. - Užupio Angelo a.)
17 val.
Japonijos meno diena: Arbatos gėrimo ceremonija „Charuka”; Kensaku Shioya fotografijos parodos atidarymas; „Mača lt” performansas;
Ekolaboratorijos projekto – “Žalieji grybeliai-suoliukai” atidarymas
18 val.
Fluxus retrospektyva Užupyje. Hepeningas
19–20.30 val.
Jogos meditacijos ir užsiėmimai
20 val.
Bohemiškas Austrų, Lenkų, Latvių vakaras Užupio klube „STOPKĖ”, (muzika, šokiai, vinies traukimas)
21.30 val.
„Užupio Nacionalinių Madų SPEKTAKLIS”.
22 - 23 val.
DJ vakaras; konkursai
急遽木曜日(7月17日)にUžupisで写真展示を開催することになりました。Užupio Meno Inkubatorius (http://www.umi.lt/indexliet.php)で行われているイベントの一つで、当日午後5時から6時の間に私自身が写真を紹介します。


Carrying, so what?

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It is interesting to see jumble sale in a big market in Vilnius. I bought a pirate copy CD of “Beatmania” (a Japanese video game) at 1 Litas from a junk seller. He had a kitten in his backpack and it was not for sale like other kittens available there.
I explored in the night in Kaunas and I found a strange old woman. She was carting a big stone. It was too and tumbled off from her small cart so often.
People are carrying something for some reason and sometimes it is not better to know why.


Still life with water

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Rainy weekend, there were many art workshops in the center and the old town in Vilnius night and day on Saturday. I visited some of them and did not get any excitement. My mind was gray like the sky so I was on the streets to take photos. A cup of too sweet hot chocolate, an apple pie and a rainbow in the gray sky made me more withdrawn.
I have some images of still life with water – stasis, colorless, nihility. There is a photo of my dead pet fish and it is also a hint of imagination.


Exhibition of my photography class students

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Students of my photography class in Kaunas finished lessons and had an exhibition of their works. They will learn more from criticism and look over their photos again. Otherwise they will have lack of progress ever. Sometimes they could not make any good result in difficult practice photo sessions so they know their current skills and abilities of their cameras.
The students can create photos freely with limits now and their exhibited works prove the results of their studies in the photography class.


Private space by the windowsill

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I have been sick in these days and staying at home a lot. Sometimes I stand at a balcony to see outside. Although the space of the windowsill is usually occupied by fancy goods and plant pots, I found some use the space for their private use. I also sat down there like them. Hmm, it is not so bad with cookies and novels.


Alliance of anti-hibernation

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The typical harmful effect of sunny and warm spring days is that night birds turn into normal people. My nocturnal life has been blown away by vernal breeze. Damn, every day I naturally wake up in the morning and get sleepy before midnight.
Frogs with mating calls, predacious insects and snails in gray status - the members of Alliance anti-hibernation around weekend houses were all so active in their political activities and bid me to join the alliance. Meanwhile I met a frog in a torpid state when I plowed up a potato field. The deadish one enduring iausterities was the other figure of the party members and me.


Footloose walkers

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Ishiko’s new project is to walk around the world. He stays in each city for a week and writes articles for Japanese papers, magazines and blog with his photographs. He has walked in India, Nepal, Finland, Germany, and England and came to Lithuania. The footloose walker is also an art director and discovers art and culture.
Ihiko’s blog:
I, a night walker, recently have been a day walker, too. We encountered strange objects, graffiti and unique people in Kaunas and Vilnius, and can hardly stop talking about life and art in foreign countries.


The music of Erich Zann

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The inside of the 1914 built apartment is an entrance of gloomy creation. Ascending stone spiral stair which twines unused elevator in the center of a darkish hall and absorbing light little by little from the glass roof. Unlock a font door with three keys and play music of Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra in a large old Lithuanian style living room to start the time for imagination with otherworldy nature. Curious visions and melodies come up in my mind and I feel like I am listening to the music of Erich Zann.
1914年に建てられたアパートの内側は陰鬱な創造への扉。薄暗いホールの中心にある使われなくなったエレベーターにからまる石造りの螺旋階段を昇り、ガラスの天井から少しずつ光を浴びてゆく。三本の鍵で玄関を開け、古いリトアニア式の大きな居間にLithuania National Symphony Orchestraの曲を流して異世界に根源を持つ想像の時間を始める。不可思議な空想と旋律が気持ちに押し寄せ、Erich Zannの音楽を聴いているような気分になる。


Lens-eyed puppet players

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Even a doll can meet the criteria of teaching materials for angles and compositions. I taught my photography class students that they can try various perspectives in still-life photography. We are lens-eyed puppet players who can control both the silent animals and talkative human beings.