It was my pleasure I had many opinions and criticism for the new photos updated last week. And there are more photos updated today.
"Exposed Senses" - more close-up portraits.
"Egoflare" - I finally could add the photos of the consert by "The Stars" and theatrical performance by René Pollesch, the German stage director. It is interesting to take photos of working people, at USATO's studio and...
"Outtakes" - There were also many coloured photos in my old website and I added old and new coloured photos as outtakes in response to the request by fans.
I found the graffiti of the photo at a ruined hospital. Hmm, how can I die?
"Exposed Senses" さらに接近したポートレイト。
"Egoflare" ようやくThe Starsのコンサートとドイツ人演出家ルネ・ポレッシュによる舞台「皆に伝えよ!ソイレント・グリーンは人肉だと」の写真を公開できた。仕事をしている人間の写真を撮るのも楽しいもので、USATOさんのアトリエに・・・。
"Outtakes" 昔のウェブサイトにはたくさんのカラー写真もあったのだが、また見たいという声にお答えして「オマケ」として公開することに。