I BLUR photos, BLURT my thoughts, feelings, secrets and it is my BLURB! Words and photos by Kensaku Shioya 写真家・塩谷賢作のブログ
Intuitive perspectives
Swimming in the Baltic Sea, drinking beer and brandy, smoking white haze and looking for ambers at the beach... moments of the weekend took me out of the ordinary world. Although I took photos there, they were all private ones including self-portraits.
Released from being a photographer and an alien in Lithuania, I was intuitively thinking about my near future. I am at beginning of my new life and this should be a passing point to the next stage. I believe I am sure what I will bring from this life to my future.
Die Venusfalle - last night in Berlin
I have been with Steve and other musician friends and observed how they work at mixing mastering their songs. Steve is always active and I do not think there are so many 60 year old "lovely crazy" men like him. Akira Ando, a Japanese bassist who has been living in Berlin over 10 years was spend a time at working with his latest songs with a German mastering enginner.
Finally went out for shopping, camera equipments costs almost double compared to Japanese market price so I only bought a useful camera bag. It was good I could buy my favorite Chinese, Thai and Korean food at an Asian supermarket. Maxi CD of "U + UR HAND" by PINK with a video clip which I liked to watch on MTV when I was in Lithuania last time. A DVD and 2 CD set of "Glass Spider" by David Bowie, actually I had the concert film but the songs in the CDs includes previously unreleased tracks (I of course had the tracks from private CDs). A German photo magazine with impressive nude photos. I could not find a DVD of my favorite German movie "Die Venusfalle".
Die Venusfalle, English for "jealousy"... I admit that I am jealous of talented people and other photographers who created great works different from my style. However, I am not pessimistic about it at all because I have my own style.
Steve and I will leave Berlin tomorrow morning, drive through Poland by a big camper and retyrn to Lithuania on Thursday.
ようやく買い物にでかけ、写真用品の値段は日本の倍ぐらいするので、使い勝手のいいカメラバッグのみ購入。アジアンスーパーマーケットで大好きな韓国・中国・タイの食品を買えたので良かった。前回リトアニアのMTVで視聴していたPINKの「U + UR HAND」のヴィデオクリップつきCDシングル。David Bowieの「Glass Spider」DVDとCD二枚のセット、元々このライブ映像は持っていたがCDに収められているのは未発表音源(当然これらの曲は俗に言う「プライベート盤」で持っていた)。とても強烈なヌード写真が掲載されているドイツの写真誌。結局大好きなドイツ映画「Die Venusfalle」は見つからなかった。
Die Venusfalle、日本語で「嫉妬」・・・才能のある人達や異なったやり方で素晴らしい写真を撮った写真家に嫉妬せずにはいられない。かといってそこまで悲観的なわけでもない、私の流儀(スタイル)があるのだから。
Berlin Nightclubbing
Saturday night: I went to the Inter Continental Hotel again to join the musicians and off to night clubbing. Oh, this is the men's world! One of the old discotheques with electro pop in the '80s called "German-wave" has lost its shine. I wished a secret theatre was open at a closet bar.
Sunday night: It was exactly a racial melting pot at an open air club by a river. I met Henry, a friend of one of us liked my photo of DJs and a smiling young man, he got me a ride on the back of his bicycle and drove to his apartment and restaurants. We had Indonesiann cuisine and beer, met with his guests and went to another open air night club.
It is Monday today and what will happen in the night?
My first day in Berlin
"We had only 1 sunny day in the last 3 months and it is also raining now. Rain stops sometimes but soon again!"
Steve, my friend griped the weather in Berlin everytime he opened and pulled up and down the top of his FIAT cabriolet. I was not interested in the comlex of the new and almost empty office buildings in the East side. Steve's friends started drinking beer and playing chess to kill such dull moments.
After had a big poek German dinner, beer and apple pie with ice cream we wne to Inter Continental Hotel to meet Steve's frinds who play at a bar there. I saw many street girls and some transsexual ones in the street. There was a drunk lady started dancing on the floor and the hotel manager complained the band made her more excited. They started jam session with guets at the bar until 3am...
The earth and "Vaidas and Onute" will solidify after rain.
2007/7/7... There were many honeymoon couples in the city in the heavy rain. I was with Vaidas, the groom and Onute, the bride to take photos of them at their houses, church, riverside, in the nature, historical classic Lithuanian house and party room in the typical Lithuanian wedding day.
Heartfelt blessing by family and friends and I was impressed by the smile of the couple. I added some of the photos in my website and hope the people at the wedding will enjoy my style.
With my best wishes to Vaidas and Onute!
Website update - July 4th
It was my pleasure I had many opinions and criticism for the new photos updated last week. And there are more photos updated today.
"Exposed Senses" - more close-up portraits.
"Egoflare" - I finally could add the photos of the consert by "The Stars" and theatrical performance by René Pollesch, the German stage director. It is interesting to take photos of working people, at USATO's studio and...
"Outtakes" - There were also many coloured photos in my old website and I added old and new coloured photos as outtakes in response to the request by fans.
I found the graffiti of the photo at a ruined hospital. Hmm, how can I die?
"Exposed Senses" さらに接近したポートレイト。
"Egoflare" ようやくThe Starsのコンサートとドイツ人演出家ルネ・ポレッシュによる舞台「皆に伝えよ!ソイレント・グリーンは人肉だと」の写真を公開できた。仕事をしている人間の写真を撮るのも楽しいもので、USATOさんのアトリエに・・・。
"Outtakes" 昔のウェブサイトにはたくさんのカラー写真もあったのだが、また見たいという声にお答えして「オマケ」として公開することに。
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