Some copies of the latest "Asia Literary Review"
( were sent from Hong Kong. The journal features my part as "Unsheltered" with 9 photos of unsheltered lives in Tokyo and an English article I wrote. I am glad with the quality and color fidelity of my photography and accurate reviewal of my article by the staff. I would like give my best reagrds to Mr. Duncan Jepson, Deputy of the journal.
These photograhps are also added in my website as soon as my business operation in Lithuania is ready, and will be exhibited at the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers in this autumn.
香港からAsia Literary Review誌 (の最新号が届いた。Unshelteredと題して、私が撮影した東京の路上生活者の写真9点と自筆の英文が掲載されている。写真の質と色の忠実さ、スタッフによる的確な文章の修正が嬉しかった。同誌のDuncan Jepsonに感謝の気持ちを送りたい。
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