Recently I had chances to talk about prejudice and bias and I do not like them at all. Sometimese experiences and knowledges cause adverse affect. However, we can hardly understand something new and unknown without them.
I often get lost in knowledge gap in the life in Lithuania. I like to watch cabel TV with variety of programs and it is interesting to watch old Russian cartoons and movies. And I can hardly understand them by lack of clues from knowlede.
Well then, what if we do not have much linguistic knowledge gap? Do we understand anytying well?
I watched a Russian movie called "Master and Margarita" last night. I have read the original piece in Japansese but I also did not understand the movie very much. The story includes atheism, Christianity, the Soviet era and Judaic Governor and they are all on a crucial deifferent level of society and history between Europe and Asia.
Nevertheless we can lessen the gap between illiteracy and understanding or we are always blind how we are prejudiced and biased.