This is the last update of 3 month stay in Lithuania. I would like to say thank you to all of my friends in Lithuania and who supported me in Japan while I was out. As I informed I have decided to move to Lithuania in May or June so it is a temporary return to Japan. I can hardly feel I am going back to Tokyo at all but there are some works I must proceed:
1. Exhibition in Tokyo: I will organize a photo exhibition in Feburary to show and sell my photos taken in Lithuania.
2. Website update: Need to replace most of photos in my website ( as soon as possible.
3. A new project: I have discussed with some Lithuanian and Japanese young photographers to start collaborated activities. We will create a website to introduce the photographers and their works at first.
4. Preparation for my exhibition in Lithuania: New photos are needed for my exhibition at The Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers (
It is time to go out and enjoy my actual last day. I am going to meet friends, have something new on my body and of course more photos. Iki!!!!
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