My friend said she wants to live in a vegetated house and recommended me live with carnivorous plant. It reminded me I have taken photos of a kind of Nepenthes and memories of a lady and her weird bedroom.
The lady ran a small cafe called "annular eclipse" in Hong Kong and lived in her own flat above the cafe. Opend her bedroom door, descended some steps to inside and I got my cnemis in water. The room was like a small shallow pool filled up with water smells like agalloch. She was sitting on her bed placed in the center of the room.
"You said you feel like you are trapped in Nepenthes? Did you know nepenthe means drug of forgetfulness? I am not sure if the drug is made from nepenthes but that is possible I think."
A big black turtle touched my ankle and I thought he was also caught in the wet pit.