I BLUR photos, BLURT my thoughts, feelings, secrets and it is my BLURB! Words and photos by Kensaku Shioya 写真家・塩谷賢作のブログ
Foggy purple
I am staring abstractedly at the town from the tenth floor.
I am waiting for the sound of rain hitting the roof.
I am eating a bowl of shark fin soup.
I am getting bored with a noise of refrigerator motor.
I am thinking about humidity here in my new nest.
Reminiscent voices
“For oblivion after your birthday… Sincerely, G”
I received a small box from G, a friend in Hong Kong. There was a small pill bottle inside. The curious liquid tranquilizer smelled like burnt bones, looked like condensed rain cloud and tasted like rotted goat milk. It was suggested that I should take a tea spoon of the medicine before sleep. In the morning after the first trial I woke up and continued listening to who I met in a dream. Y, my father and S… I could hear their voices clearly as they were lying next to me, and everyone was much talkative than I know. Y’s voice was attractive again as same as I was with her 20 years ago and she said she still wears a perfume “Nina”. My father came up and told me a story of his memories with his pet deer in his teenage life in Manchuria. Suddenly S’s merry laughing voice appeared, she explained my father and me that I am too strict to myself and need a family to be with in my life. I wished I were with a small cat right at the moment then I heard crying of a cat for a long time. Unfortunately I did not have a language skill to understand what it said. The sky was blue and sunny beyond the window and I remembered I was living with the cat when I was 6 years old.
In the second morning I spent time with an American porn star that was killed in a traffic accident, a president of an elevator company, an ash tray seller and a she-male dancer. They asked me to go out together to my favorite bootleg CD shop in Fukuoka city. What cheerful idiots! Here came dogs I used to have and the party became much more loud and noisy. The lovely bitches of my own were too happy to meet me again and could not help barking and squirting. I was staring at dim light beams on the wall and my palm while I was hearing their voices. I found I have got internal bleeding in my palm almost disappeared. I also have got my eyes tired from the moonlit brightness of the room even it was still with the darkness of the night, and I felt my skin was so sensitive with breeze from windows.
In the night of the third trial, I gazed at the gray liquid on a silver tea spoon. Because of what I experienced in the last two days I thought this contained some heavy metal or a new type virus similar to rabies. I swallowed the pretty poison and fell into asleep. In the dream I was talking to L and eloquent of classical music I sometimes listen in my dreams and how they were marvelous. I am not so familiar to the kind of music and do not have knowledge but I was sure the music were completely original made inside of me. I woke up and it was L’s turn to talk to me, right next to me in the dark bed room. I was listening to L’s talking in his low voice about absolute zero temperature and a chocolate contains dry hawthorn. L asked me if I ever tried a floating (isolation) tank or not, and he hinted that the time in a bath tab with no light was my primal experience of it. I wanted to take another tea spoon of the tranquilizer and my palm crawled around my bed. It finally reached the tea spoon but the bottle. I grabbed the tea spoon and tried to remember people I heard the voices in order. I was still in bed and tranquilized in the day time, and the potion vanished. I thought one of the voices took it away and G was not longer in Hong Kong. G must have been a missing person again as usual.
"Vice Blood"
Vice was sleeping in a basket. The tiny soft-charcoal colored finch was sold to a man by a black-market broker. The man brought Vice to his place and started feeding fresh eggs to the baby creature. When he prepared the feed he always cut his finger with a sharp knife and mix blood in it. After Vice became mature enough to fly, he let vice out from a cage and live in his bedroom every day. He liked the room vaguely smelled of feathers and excrement which was like liquid incense. It was certain that he was scared of sleeping lately even he liked very thoughtful moments after waking up. He kept dreaming interesting and well but after woke up he sometimes thought of past in real life and it made him depressed. So that he did not want to sleep and encounter such moment. The aroma of the bed room helped him being content and insomnia.
In addition to flying practice, Vice was given opportunities of feeding itself. At first the man obtained a new-born canary from a pet shop. A previous owner put the 2 week old bird on her palm, the bird suddenly tried to fly but failed. It fell on to floor and hit its head hard. She was not interested in the canary with brain contusion and paid extra to the pet shop to have another mature one as exchange. The defective canary was twitching and not able to walk normally. In the cage for training Vice repeated flying on and leaving from the nonresistant animal, then its sharp and hard beak got bloody. Secondly, he left a small egg in a cage and Vice spent a long time to break the shell. Later, he also fed some mouse (both alive and defrosted) but he found that Vice eats only bird blood and eggs.
Vice was a successful experience of aviculture of rare species. The man thought Vice was well friendly to him any time. Vice liked to perch on his finger, make it wounded by its strong beak and suck blood directly. It was the only exceptional of what Vice ate. Another remarkable fact was that Vice protected and warmed an unfertilized egg. Therefore, according to some skeptical results of inprinting, it was possible that Vice could identify her symbiont and targets. This optimistic and unscientific research and results were good enough for the end of this stage of his preparation, but he had no relationship in ornithological studies and movement to protect gems of bird life.
The man put Vice in a cage most of the time with a lot of feed and she produced much rich excretion. He named this water soluble paint “Vice Blood” with unknown dark puce color, and spent 7 month to draw an abstract picture. Vice’s feathers were also mixed and used for stereoscopic effect and feeling of vitality. “Vapor Void”, the picture with author’s blood signature was put in the basket and left in the empty bedroom, as same as Vice was sleeping there before.
男はViceを鳥籠の中に長時間入れておくようになり、Viceは上質の排泄物を多量に出した。男は、見たこともない暗蚤色をしたその水溶性の絵の具を「Vice Blood」と命名し、七か月かけて一枚の抽象画を描き上げた。Viceの羽毛も立体感と生命感を出すために混ぜて用いられている。作者の血の署名が入ったその作品「Vapor Void」は、籠の中に入れられ、何も残っていない寝室に置かれていた。かつてViceがそこで眠っていたように。
Alone in the mirrors
There is a mirror which shows cold fire in it. An indigo flame burns sunshine out. What a bloodless bloodlust.
There is a mirror which shows a disappeared actress in it. She applied deadly poisonous acid to her face and mistakenly damaged it fatally. Immature ones cannot notice her hidden fatherly affection.
There is a mirror which shows a tiny crab in it. The innocent crab plays in sanctuary. It meets the real world with its sudden crying.
There is a mirror which shows a large bath tab in it. A piece of cherry tree fossil is floating on warm water. It is a symbol of the guilt for dreaming.
There is a mirror which shows an eccentric tiger in it. He roars so loud and eats an old snake. His absolute love protects and hurts all.
There is a mirror which shows another mirror in it. The two mirrors provoke emotions and merged in everlasting and endless reflections. It is the proof of reason for existence of the mirrors.
And, there I am, alone in the mirrors.
Waterplay therapy
It is not sure if there is waterplay therapy acknowledged and treated same as sandplay therapy in the world. Toys on the sand look active and things in the water act like being buried at sea. So I have put my own things into my favorite glass – everything was not clean. There were tea-stained tea spoon, rose leaves, black currant but they were not chosen and got sunken in the glass. I do not make any diagnoses by myself. Moreover, there are no therapist / people who think about it around me.
Linger on...
Listening to "Pale Blue Eyes" by The Velvet Underground...
The Velvet UndergroundのPale Blue Eyesを聴きながら・・・
Although he did not remember what he has dreamed, he had a feeling of lack. He woke up with sleepy head, turned the pages of his “dream – diary” and there was nothing to write down. Took a shower, dried his spiky short hair, opened a makeup box and then he was a she. He was walking around an X-rated movie theater as his work on alternate days. Taxi drivers saw her on the street and were afraid they encountered the angel of death at dusk.
On a shabby carpet in a gloomy tiny room, a fat lad was kissed roughly by her and felt like he has got his face sandpapered. “Are you a man?” She only smiled and kept her mouth barely opened in the shades of her long brown hair. He stopped thinking and asking what will happen next.
“Do I live free? Hmm, People want to live free like a bird but I know it is totally nonsense. If I were a bird I always would have to feel my body temperature, eat ugly worms and travel a lot… so disgusting! I would rather be a butterfly with big and grace wings… eating sweet flower syrup and moving to places with lights all the time. We do not have to think how to live free if we are so.”
It was smoky in a taxi. He noticed that the taxi driver was silently laughing at him. He remembered that his grandfather taught that a butterfly lost its legs is no longer diurnal. He was not interested in what she lost but wanted to lick again her very thin rib bones like nervule. He was still tasting her floury skin in his mouth.
"Lunatic Stage"
In the late night, I listen to the voice of the actors on a “Lunatic Stage”. In the time of awakening, I watch the plays of the actors in my dream. I am lack of equilibrium but I feel I got my sense of smell recovered a little. I am thinking of the faces of others.
夜遅く、「lunatic stage」の役者たちの声を聴く。目覚めの時、夢の中の役者達が演じる様を観る。感情が均衡していないが、自分の嗅覚が少し回復してきたのがわかった。他人の顔についての考え。
Missing link
Here in my blog I did not want to write about anything happened in Japan while I was there. My deep thoughts are aimed on reality and fiction, listening to chill out music and Iggy Pop and I have been talkative but silent in mind… is it an approach to myself like dissociative identity disorder? The missing link between those extreme opposites is buried in words – as I write. Write, write, write… that is the other side of me.
日本にいる間、このブログに現地で起こったことをあれこれと書き記すことはしたくなかった。深い思慮は現実と虚構に向かい、チルアウトミュージックとIggy Popを聴き、あれこれと口を開くが内心では沈黙している・・・これは解離性同一性障害のような自身への接触なのだろうか?これらの対極的な物事の間にある「失われた鎖」は、「自身が書き連ねる」言葉に埋葬されている。書いて、書いて、書いて・・・それがもう一つの自分。
日時: 5/1(日)・5/8(日)両日共に15:00~18:00
会場: カフェレスト カズン 〒111-0032東京都台東区浅草1-41-8
電話: 03-3842-3223
店舗HP: http://cuzn.tumblr.com/
2.北欧文化協会 五月例会
講演: 「蛹(さなぎ)の中で-リトアニアで暮らす日々」 "Being in a chrysalis - Life in Lithuania"
講師: 塩谷 賢作(写真家、UAB Studio Aika, Vilnius代表)
日時: 5/6 (金) 19:00~21:00
協会HP: http://www.hokuobunka.org/
会場 京橋プラザ区民館
・中央区コミュニティバス(江戸バス)北循環28番 新富区民館バス停 または 北・南循環1番バス停中央区役所バス停 徒歩5分
・東京メトロ有楽町線新富町駅下車2番出口 徒歩5分
・都営地下鉄浅草線宝町駅下車A1番出口 徒歩5分
参加費 非会員 1000円(学生 500円)/正会員 無料
4/2(Sat) 写真集販売・イベントのお知らせ
写真集「See-through Chrysalis」発売中:
>> 2011.4.2(土)14:00~17:00
>> ●
>> 「日常茶飯事」開催によせて
>> 僕らは、ごはんを食べて生きていく。
>> これまでもそうだったし、今日も明日も明後日も…
>> これからもずーっと続いていく、人の変わらぬ営みです。
>> 震災は、そして自然は、圧倒的でした。
>> 爪跡と呼ぶには、あまりにも大きな傷を残し、
>> 僕らの生きる世界を、一変させてしまいました。
>> 少しずつ「日常」を取り戻しつつある、東京に住む自分たちも、
>> その「日常」の輪郭すらも、あやふやな毎日の中、
>> 悩みながら、迷いながらも、ひとりひとり
>> 前へ進んでいこうとしているところだと思います
>> 近所で早咲きの桜が花開きました。
>> 何食わぬ顔で、春はやってきています。
>> 僕らは、そんな新しい季節の息吹を分かちあいたく
>> 週末、みなさまと集う場を設けたいと思いました。
>> みんなで美味しい物を食べ、季節を感じ、そして祈る。
>> 美味しい時間を共有する、今回はただこれだけのことをしてみたいと思います。
>> ありふれているかもしれないけれど、
>> 愛おしい「日常」を見つめ直す、ひとつのきっかけとなってくれたら
>> これ幸いと思っております。
>> ●開催概要
>> 日常茶飯事 vol.2
>> 2011.4.2(土)14:00~17:00
>> 場所:大蔵メヂロスタジオ(株式会社カイト内)
>> 〒157-0074 東京都世田谷区大蔵6-18-17 Tel:03-3749-1565
>> 会費(食材代):¥1,000
>> 持ち物:マイ箸+プレート
>> ※当日は、東北地方太平洋沖地震への義援金を受け付けする他、
>> 東北の被災地へお届けする、支援物資も受付いたします。
>> 詳細は下記をご覧ください。
>> ●食材について
>> 今回は、つむぎやがご縁があった、
>> 茨城のきま畑、そして同じく茨城のサンキュウ農園の食材を中心に使う予定でございます。
>> 「春」を感じる料理を、おにぎりやパスタなど、いろいろ作りたいと思っています。
>> 私たちの日常時茶飯事、毎日の食卓を支えてくれるのは、農家さんです。
>> 特に東京に暮らす我々にとって、関東近郊の農家さんたちの存在はかかすことができません。
>> 季節の声を聞き、土と向き合う、真摯に野菜作りに取り組まれている農家のみなさんが
>> 今後も安心して継続して野菜作りを営むことができることを願って、
>> そして微力ながらサポートしていくメッセージを発信したいと思っています。
>> ※今回使用する食材に関しては、政府が出荷停止をかけていないもの、
>> をひとつの基準にしつつ、農家さんとやり取りしながら
>> 使用する食材を決めたいと思います。
>> 原発事故から派生した、食品の放射能についての問題は、
>> 様々なスタンスの方がいると思いますし、それを否定も肯定もいたしません。
>> 自己責任でご参加ください。
>> ●チャリティーについて
>> 1.
>> 会場となるメヂロスタジオを運営する株式会社カイトとご縁のある
>> タマクーヘンさん(株式会社クルヴェル・キャン)のバウムクーヘンの
>> 販売を予定しております。その売り上げの一部を寄付する予定です。
>> 2.
>> 今回イベント会場に、募金箱を設置し、震災の被災地に送る義援金を
>> 集めたいと思っています。
>> 寄付先は、お金が使われるまで時間(手続き)を要する
>> 大きな団体に寄付するのではなく、現地で活躍する
>> プロフェッショナルなNGOとNPOであること。
>> お金の「使い道」がわかり、かつスピーディーに活かされ、
>> 困っている人への支援がダイレクトに届く、またそのリアクションがわかるところ。
>> そういった観点から、特に医療の分野で活動している、
>> 特定非営利活動法人 AMDA(アムダ)に寄付することにいたしました。
>> 医療支援、生活・物資支援
>> 特定非営利活動法人 AMDAアムダ
>> http://amda.or.jp/
>> 3.
>> 株式会社カイトでは、原発事故の影響などから、支援の手が届きにくい
>> 東北の被災地へ支援物資をトラック直接手配し届ける予定です。
>> イベント当日も支援物資を受付いたします。
>> 以下のもので、ご協力いただけるものがあれば、ぜひお持ちください。
>> ・パンツ (パンツにしぼった話でなければ「下着」という表現に変更)
>> ・生理用品
>> ・おむつ(成人用)
>> ・靴下
>> ※すべて新品のものに限ります。
>> ●カンタンなワークショップも
>> イラストレーター・ミゾヨシオがメインとなり、
>> つむぎやと共に立ち上げるプロジェクト「FUKUAKARI」が
>> 「祈る」ことをテーマに、ちょっとしたお守りワークショップなんてのを
>> やってみる予定でございます。
>> ●その他
>> 今回のイベントに、お腹ペコりんこで食べに来ていただけるだけで、
>> 大歓迎なのですが、チャリティーについてのアイデアや、
>> 自分も当日料理を作りたい、持ち込みたいなどなど、
>> みなさまの参加も大歓迎です。
>> それからだいたいの人数が把握できるとありがたいので、
>> もし出席いただける方は、メールなどでご一報いただけると幸いです。
>> もちろん当日ふらっと来られるのも、もちろんOKです。
>> ●
>> 会場までのアクセス
>> 場所:大蔵メヂロスタジオ(株式会社カイト内)
>> 〒157-0074 東京都世田谷区大蔵6-18-17 Tel:03-3749-1565
>> →徒歩 二子玉川駅・成城駅それぞれ約30分~40分
>> →バス 田園都市線二子玉川駅から、成城学園駅行き「永安寺」下車
>> 小田急線成城学園駅から、二子玉川駅行き「永安寺」下車
>> ☆スリーエフとブックオフの反対側の路地を入ってすぐ右側の茶色の建物です。
>> お車での来場はご遠慮ください。
>> 地図を添付いたしましたので、そちらもあわせてご覧ください。
>> (地図内のコンビニの名前に誤りがあります。
>> 「ミニストップ」ではなく「スリーエフ」です)
>> それでは、みなさまにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
>> ●
>> つむぎや
>> マツーラユタカ
>> matsuura@tsumugiya.com
>> http://www.tsumugiya.com
>> http://twitter.com/matsu_tsumugiya
Vienna - a box
I put myself in a box called Vienna. Different fresh air and city life helped casting off my skin. It is natural that it takes time to make scales harder by drying. Then I captured different races, opera, and moonlight. I sneaked out from the box with some wounds and new body.
I am in a box called Vilnius now and I feel I have venomous fangs strengthened but some things lack in my mind – I have been thinking of my senses proper to my own instincts.