I disassembled a freezer in “Минск16”, an old-fashioned refrigerator in the kitchen. The freezing machine was covered with much ice and it was a childish fun to defrost with a blade. There was a pupa inside of the refrigerator. I took it out and put in a chipped bowl. I named the pupa “Cold Ethyl” and kept my eyes on her.
Few days later she became a mature lady and played on a plastic net covering the bowl. I hoped her not to get caught in spider web. She did not leave the “bowl room” for a long time after I removed the net. She did not like hot outside with sun light, did she?
“One thing I miss is Cold Ethyl and her skeleton kiss
We met last night making love under the refrigerator light
Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms
Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms”
“Cold Ethyl” by Alice Cooper
台所にある古めかしいМинск16という名の冷蔵庫の冷凍室を分解した。冷凍機はたくさんの氷に包まれていて、刀を使って霜取りをするのは子供じみていたが面白かった。冷蔵庫の中に蛹(さなぎ)があった。取り出して欠けた丼に移した。Cold Ethylと名づけて、彼女を監視していた。
「俺が恋しいのはCold Ethylとあいつのおざなりな口づけ
Ethyl Ethyl 腕の中で強く抱きしめさせてくれ
Ethyl Ethyl そばに来てお前の色気でゾッとさせてくれ」
“Cold Ethyl” by Alice Cooper