
Anomalous style

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The angles were limited and absolute. Artistic aproach was not required. Interior photo work should appeal designer's point of view and concepts. It is just the opposite of my style but I also like such photography.


Fly to next

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I had a 1 day exhibition in Užupis yesterday and I appreciate visitors to see my photos. I would like to thank to Mr. Inoue and E.R. for their great help. I am glad I did not attack performers there who put on their costumes on my photo on the wall and had terrible performance with Japonism approach. Well they were also the part of the event but I do not have any relationship with them. I would have killed them if they damaged my photos while they were showing horrible performance.
And now, my mind is flying to next exhibition plan in September...


1 day exhibition in Užupis

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It is suddenly decided that I exhibit my Japan photos in Užupis on Thursday, July 17th. It is a part of an event at Užupio Meno Inkubatorius (http://www.umi.lt/indexliet.php) and I will have a presentation between 17h and 18h there.
I have already prepared 25 photos which I exhibit in Lithuania for the first time. It is very much appreciated if you could come and see my new photos.
Liepos 17 d. (ketvirtadienis)
Tapybos plenero projektas „Ženklų alėja“
„Angelo, taikos balandžio ir sirenos kelias”
(Gedimino pr. – Katedros aikštė – Pilies g. – Šv. – Vokiečių g. – Rotušės a. – Didžioji g. - Užupio Angelo a.)
17 val.
Japonijos meno diena: Arbatos gėrimo ceremonija „Charuka”; Kensaku Shioya fotografijos parodos atidarymas; „Mača lt” performansas;
Ekolaboratorijos projekto – “Žalieji grybeliai-suoliukai” atidarymas
18 val.
Fluxus retrospektyva Užupyje. Hepeningas
19–20.30 val.
Jogos meditacijos ir užsiėmimai
20 val.
Bohemiškas Austrų, Lenkų, Latvių vakaras Užupio klube „STOPKĖ”, (muzika, šokiai, vinies traukimas)
21.30 val.
„Užupio Nacionalinių Madų SPEKTAKLIS”.
22 - 23 val.
DJ vakaras; konkursai
急遽木曜日(7月17日)にUžupisで写真展示を開催することになりました。Užupio Meno Inkubatorius (http://www.umi.lt/indexliet.php)で行われているイベントの一つで、当日午後5時から6時の間に私自身が写真を紹介します。


Carrying, so what?

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It is interesting to see jumble sale in a big market in Vilnius. I bought a pirate copy CD of “Beatmania” (a Japanese video game) at 1 Litas from a junk seller. He had a kitten in his backpack and it was not for sale like other kittens available there.
I explored in the night in Kaunas and I found a strange old woman. She was carting a big stone. It was too and tumbled off from her small cart so often.
People are carrying something for some reason and sometimes it is not better to know why.